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Tricky Twenty-Two (Special Edition,…
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Tricky Twenty-Two (Special Edition, Exclusive Content) (edizione 2015)

di Janet Evanovich (Autore)

Serie: Stephanie Plum (22)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,7616410,206 (3.72)63
"Something big is brewing in Trenton, N.J., and it could blow at any minute. Stephanie Plum might not be the world's greatest bounty hunter, but she knows when she's being played. Ken Globovic (aka Gobbles), hailed as the Supreme Exalted Zookeeper of the animal house known as Zeta fraternity, has been arrested for beating up the dean of students at Kiltman College. Gobbles has missed his court date and gone into hiding. People have seen him on campus, but no one will talk. Things just aren't adding up, and Stephanie can't shake the feeling that something funny is going on at the college--and it's not just Zeta fraternity pranks. As much as people love Gobbles, they hate Doug Linken. When Linken is gunned down in his backyard it's good riddance, and the list of possible murder suspects is long. The only people who care about finding Linken's killer are Trenton cop Joe Morelli, who has been assigned the case, security expert Ranger, who was hired to protect Linken, and Stephanie, who has her eye on a cash prize and hopefully has some tricks up her sleeve"--… (altro)
Titolo:Tricky Twenty-Two (Special Edition, Exclusive Content)
Autori:Janet Evanovich (Autore)
Info:Bantam Books (2015), Edition: First Edition, 308 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Tricky Twenty-Two di Janet Evanovich

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» Vedi le 63 citazioni

Good, light reading book. Typical Janet Evanovich. ( )
  Megan_Demers | Jan 27, 2024 |
Always good for a great laugh out loud read!! ( )
  Asauer72 | Jul 3, 2023 |
Another fun installment in the Stephanie Plum series. I hope that Joe Morelli will eventually sh*t or get off the pot and either marry Stephanie or let her go to Ranger permanently.

The bad guy in this book is a few eggs short of a dozen. Their thought process for doing the things they do is impressive.

I love that Stephanie's mom gets in on this capture and I love her reasoning for doing so, just perfect. Looking forward to #23. ( )
  Shauna_Morrison | Apr 30, 2023 |
As always, a quick snack. ( )
  JudyGibson | Jan 26, 2023 |
As usual I can't read these books without laughing out loud. Stephanie Plumb is such an air head. I love her mother in this one. All the praying and stuff her mom does because of her daughters job, then to be the one to take down the killer was cool. These books though s predictable are pretty funny, ( )
  Nora57 | Jul 29, 2022 |
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Ginny Scoot was standing on a third-floor ledge, threatening to jump, and it was more or less my fault.
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"Something big is brewing in Trenton, N.J., and it could blow at any minute. Stephanie Plum might not be the world's greatest bounty hunter, but she knows when she's being played. Ken Globovic (aka Gobbles), hailed as the Supreme Exalted Zookeeper of the animal house known as Zeta fraternity, has been arrested for beating up the dean of students at Kiltman College. Gobbles has missed his court date and gone into hiding. People have seen him on campus, but no one will talk. Things just aren't adding up, and Stephanie can't shake the feeling that something funny is going on at the college--and it's not just Zeta fraternity pranks. As much as people love Gobbles, they hate Doug Linken. When Linken is gunned down in his backyard it's good riddance, and the list of possible murder suspects is long. The only people who care about finding Linken's killer are Trenton cop Joe Morelli, who has been assigned the case, security expert Ranger, who was hired to protect Linken, and Stephanie, who has her eye on a cash prize and hopefully has some tricks up her sleeve"--

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