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The Trouble with Faking

di Rachel Morgan

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Faking a relationship is never a good idea, but Andi's convinced it won't be fake for long. Everything will work out perfectly with Damien. Until Noah steps into the picture and confuses everything ... - - - Andi's been in love with the boy next door for years. She's convinced Damien's the perfect guy for her. So it's probably not a good idea to pretend to be his girlfriend to help him snag the attention of someone else. But Andi knows it won't be for long. Soon enough, Damien will figure out he loves her too, and their fake relationship will become a real one. Damien's best friend Noah is the complete opposite of Mr. Perfect: rude and annoying, with trouble-maker written all over him. Definitely not Andi's type. Which makes it all the more confusing when she realises how much she likes spending time with him. When the fake relationship plan starts working, Andi should be overjoyed. It's what she wanted, right? Except ... what if perfect isn't so perfect after all? What if messy, i...… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daSunnaK

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It´s nice to be the first to review this book

I got this book in a exchange for an honest review
(i suck a giving reviews but who can deny a good book)

This book was a delightful 2 hour read, i finished it in one sitting just because i really couldn't stop reading i just had to know what happened next. the story line actually kind of surprised me and its a bit different than the regular chlicé but it still had it's little 'oh yes i knew that would happen' but in a good way. I have not read the other 2 but you don't need to to enjoy this book, i will be buying the other books in this series, if that doesn't answer your question about me liking it then i don't know what will.
so in conclusion i thoroughly liked this little contemporary(because who doesn't love a little contemp)i liked it because it was a short but nice read which kept me on my toes and not sleepy when i was supposed to be sleeping.

I also really liked the characters. Andi is awesome and i rarely see so real characters in a book. ( )
  SunnaK | Feb 10, 2015 |
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Faking a relationship is never a good idea, but Andi's convinced it won't be fake for long. Everything will work out perfectly with Damien. Until Noah steps into the picture and confuses everything ... - - - Andi's been in love with the boy next door for years. She's convinced Damien's the perfect guy for her. So it's probably not a good idea to pretend to be his girlfriend to help him snag the attention of someone else. But Andi knows it won't be for long. Soon enough, Damien will figure out he loves her too, and their fake relationship will become a real one. Damien's best friend Noah is the complete opposite of Mr. Perfect: rude and annoying, with trouble-maker written all over him. Definitely not Andi's type. Which makes it all the more confusing when she realises how much she likes spending time with him. When the fake relationship plan starts working, Andi should be overjoyed. It's what she wanted, right? Except ... what if perfect isn't so perfect after all? What if messy, i...

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