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Samurai Jack, Vol. 3: Quest For The Broken Blade

di Jim Zub

Serie: Samurai Jack [2013] (11-15)

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"After the threads of time failed to return Jack to the past, he continues his search for a new way to return to his rightful era. But will Jack be willing to risk his magical blade in order to open a new portal to the past?"--Page 4 of cover.
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Full review [with gifs] posted originally on my blog, Dee's Reads

I received a copy of this graphic novel from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

Samurai Jack is just one of those amazing things that you come across in life. Hopefully you know who Samurai Jack is…If you don't, you need to go do a google search asap after reading this review Samurai Jack was an amazing cartoon on Cartoon Network created by Genndy Tartarvoksy (which I maybe spelled wrong). Since the cartoon ended fans like me have been stuck watching reruns on Netflix.

When the graphic novels came out I was definitely interested. For whatever reason though, I never got a chance to pick up a volume until this one. I was a little worried because I was jumping in at Volume 3, but I had no reason to fear. I felt like I picked up the story right away and honestly wouldn't have known it was volume 3 if it wasn't on the cover. So for those of you worried about that—don't be! In fact, this volume had a LOT of action and kept me on edge. I read it so fast, too. Which is amazing because it takes me so long to read a novel these days. Which is why I have lately been turning to so many graphic novels. They keep me interested and I can finish one fast because I often only have 10 minutes to read at a time.

Some basic things you'll find in Samurai Jack:

-His kick ass samurai sword.

-Villians...or should I say villain…Aku. The baddest and most hilarious villain of all time.

-Tons of action and sword fights! Jack is badass..

So I hope these gifs give you a taste of what you can visually expect in the graphic novel. Because, let's be honest, that's the best part of graphic novels. The graphics can make or break them! In this case the story and the graphics were equally amazing. I loved that.

I recommend this graphic novel to lovers of Samurai Jack.
I also recommend this graphic novel to those who love action, adventure, excellent graphics, and amazing storytelling.

( )
  Diamond.Dee. | Jul 3, 2015 |
Jack has finally collected all of the Threads of Time in an attempt to return to the past. But the attempt failed. He’s now sought a new way to get back to his own time and to prevent the future that has occurred. And that way maybe through his magical blade, which has the power to open a portal to the past. But if that attempt fails, if the blade’s soul is lost, nothing will stand in the way of Aku and his armies. Jack will have to use all of his strength and all of his knowledge to face battles like never before.

Samurai Jack began life as a cartoon on Cartoon Network, and one of the best cartoons around in my opinion. Jack is one of those shows that on the surface appeared to be just another fighting warrior type show that kids would like. But Jack and the show had a depth to them that attracted a much wider audience. Some of that depth is because unlike hundreds of other characters on TV, Jack has a sense of honor and doing what is right...even at a cost to himself. And Jim captures that sense of the character very well. Jack is still familiar as are the ways in which he navigates the challenges and the people he faces on his journey.

Andy’s artwork is gorgeous and captures the sense and essence of the cartoon well. The cartoon was ahead of its time with its animation style, and while it is replicated often today, it is difficult to capture the feel of it well. Andy does that though and like the writing, I only wish there were more of it in the stories.

If you’re a fan of the series then you’ll love this book. If you’ve never watched it before, do yourself a favor and go pick up a few of the DVDs. Then come back and read the book. You won’t regret it in the least. 5 out of 5 stars.

ARC provided by NetGalley ( )
  zzshupinga | Feb 9, 2015 |
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"After the threads of time failed to return Jack to the past, he continues his search for a new way to return to his rightful era. But will Jack be willing to risk his magical blade in order to open a new portal to the past?"--Page 4 of cover.

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