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The Sterling Boys

di C.M. Owens

Serie: Sterling Shore (3)

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Rain Noles -Who is Dane Sterling? He's my Achilles heel and the one guy I never got over. My life hasn't been simple or even easy. Most would believe that some of the things I've endured would overshadow the rejection of a high school love. Yet for some reason, Dane is still in my head. And now I'm moving back to Sterling Shore where he'll be in my way.Dane Sterling -Rain Fucking Noles. Why me? I've avoided her and all mention of her since she moved and stopped giving a damn about me. Now she's back, and I feel like an eighteen-year-old kid all over again. She's always been the line between heaven and hell, but right now, I feel like that line has moved a little closer to hell. I just hope I can survive her this time.… (altro)
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Dane Sterling and Rain Noles.

This is a second chance story. I really enjoyed it. You will need to read the next book to complete some of the issues raised in this book but it does not end in a cliff hanger, it's just not everything is revealed to all the people concerned. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
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Rain Noles -Who is Dane Sterling? He's my Achilles heel and the one guy I never got over. My life hasn't been simple or even easy. Most would believe that some of the things I've endured would overshadow the rejection of a high school love. Yet for some reason, Dane is still in my head. And now I'm moving back to Sterling Shore where he'll be in my way.Dane Sterling -Rain Fucking Noles. Why me? I've avoided her and all mention of her since she moved and stopped giving a damn about me. Now she's back, and I feel like an eighteen-year-old kid all over again. She's always been the line between heaven and hell, but right now, I feel like that line has moved a little closer to hell. I just hope I can survive her this time.

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