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Paw and Order

di Diane Kelly

Serie: Paw Enforcement (2)

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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. After capturing the notorious Fort Worth "Tunabomber," Megan and Brigit are practically celebrities. Which is why the police chief lassoed them into doing rodeo duty-mostly as a public relations stunt for the department. Megan's not a fan of calf roping, bull riding, or goat milking contests. But when a thief appears to be working the circuit, her trusty K-9 partner starts sniffing for clues . . . The culprit is "Robin Hood," a young Texas golddigger who steals from the rich to give to the poor-namely, herself. With Brigit hot on the trail, Megan has to juggle her on-again off-again reputation in the FWPD with her on-again off-again relationship with sexy bomb-squader Seth Rutledge. This time, Megan is determined to rope in her suspect and her man . . . before chaos, and/or her trusted furry partner, is unleashed.… (altro)
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1/2 star added because I know the author can write and write well. This one just isn't her best example. Definitely a series sophomore slump, in spite of an interesting crime plot and an intelligent MC who isn't TSTL.

Megan and her K9 partner, Brigit are assigned to the local rodeo and stock show to patrol and garner some good PR for the police department. An escalating string of thefts gives Megan a chance to gain more experience before she's eligible for detective. She's also got some romance issues that are keeping her hopping.

Even by my rather wide and tolerant definition, this is not best described as a cozy: I don't remember a lot of profanity, but there is a lot of crude and suggestive dialogue that would drive those sensitive-natured into a fit of the vapours. The author also has a strange fascination with testicles that I'm trying hard not to think too much about.

I was hesitant about the first book Paw Enforcement because it was an alternating POV between Megan and the dog, Brigit, and I don't like animal POV narratives. It also occasionally included chapters that were done from the POV of the bomber, and I typically don't like antagonist POV narratives, either. But I really liked it - the dog had mostly dog thoughts and those chapters were short, and the bomber's POV was used sparingly and just enough to ratchet up a bit of tension without giving anything away.

None of that was the case in Paw and Order: too much narrative from the dog, with the dog having more human thoughts than dog ones; I'm pretty sure, too, that a police K9 would be MUCH better trained to behave herself that Brigit. The antagonists POV was used WAY too much and there was never any mystery about who she was.

I could easily see someone who'd never read Ms. Kelly's other work DNF'ing this one because they couldn't get past the metaphor abuse in the first 25% of the book. If I noticed it, it was over-used. The publisher has this one at 368 pages, and I suspect around 30 pages of that could have been eliminated by editing out a lot of the repetition (I didn't care about "Robin Hood"'s unfair life the first 3 times I read about it; I really didn't care after the tenth and don't get me started on Megan's self-inflicted romance angst.)

Speaking of romance, what the flip was going on with Megan's love life? The whole cockamamie thing was just asinine. I really like Seth, true, but the whole thing was just utterly pointless unless Ms. Kelly wanted me to think Megan needed to be hit over the head with her own baton. Her behaviour was juvenile and inconsistent; thankfully, it appears to be short-lived as well, as it seems all is resolved by the end of the book.

I highly recommend Diane Kelly's Tara Holloway series: it's fun, intelligent and well-written. I'd recommend the first book in this series, too: Paw Enforcement, but I'm going to wait and read the 3rd book coming out this summer before I make an further decision about this series. This one just wasn't as good as I know it could have been. ( )
  murderbydeath | Jan 26, 2022 |
Paw and Order is the second book in the Paw Enforcement Cozy-ish Mystery series. Megan Luz and her K-9 partner, Brigit, are a great team. They solve crimes in Fort Worth, TX with skill....and attitude.

This time, Megan and Brigit are patrolling during a big local rodeo event. The event is filled with riding, roping, music, food, drink, fun.....and purse thieves. When the thefts escalate past purse snatching to more violent assaults, the duo are on the case to nail down the thief.

I like Megan as a main character. She is becoming quite skilled at her job, and has a crazy sense of humor. She also wields a mean baton. Brigit has become her sidekick and furry buddy, as well as her partner. There is a bit of character development for them in this newest story, as well as love interests, Seth and Blast. Great humor, an interesting mystery, a side plot or two..... all in all, a fun, entertaining, light mystery.

This series is not really "cozy'' -- it's cozy-ish. There is a bit of cursing....nothing extreme. I know some readers prefer cozies with no curse words. I don't mind it doesn't bother me. There are also some minor adult situations. Again, nothing extreme. But I would advise parental guidance before handing these books to anyone under 13. There is no graphic violence, no spurting blood....nothing like that. There is light discussion of sexual situations, some crude humor, and a bit of minor cussing.

Another fun visit with Megan and Brigit! On to the next book! The series has seven books so far plus a couple of novellas. A new book, Paw of the Jungle, will release in late November 2019. I have a review copy of the new book waiting in the reading my way though this series. Always funny! Always enjoyable! ( )
  JuliW | Nov 22, 2020 |
Entertaining story. ( )
  ElentarriLT | Mar 24, 2020 |
3.5/5 stars. The heroes of the "tunabomber" case, Megan and Brigit, are sent to patrol the rodeo and do some publicity. There they stumble onto a thief and won't let the case go.

The villain pov chapters in this one don't hide the thief's identity, because since Megan doesn't know her there'd be no point. Instead they give us a look into the thief's mind, and really humanize her. This was a great way to change things up from the first book while still maintaining the format.

There's no junk tasering in this book, but there's a lot of rodeo and farm humor, and quite a bit of Bridget being great. This series is fun; I like it. (Provided by publisher) ( )
  tldegray | Sep 21, 2018 |
Enjoyable in spite of the fact that it is set in Fort Worth.Megan is learning the ropes on how to be a cop, Brigit is teaching her how to be a good partner. What is it with Seth? Need to make his character work or move him on... ( )
  bgknighton | Feb 26, 2015 |
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. After capturing the notorious Fort Worth "Tunabomber," Megan and Brigit are practically celebrities. Which is why the police chief lassoed them into doing rodeo duty-mostly as a public relations stunt for the department. Megan's not a fan of calf roping, bull riding, or goat milking contests. But when a thief appears to be working the circuit, her trusty K-9 partner starts sniffing for clues . . . The culprit is "Robin Hood," a young Texas golddigger who steals from the rich to give to the poor-namely, herself. With Brigit hot on the trail, Megan has to juggle her on-again off-again reputation in the FWPD with her on-again off-again relationship with sexy bomb-squader Seth Rutledge. This time, Megan is determined to rope in her suspect and her man . . . before chaos, and/or her trusted furry partner, is unleashed.

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