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Christmas at Twilight

di Lori Wilde

Serie: Twilight, Texas (5)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

It's Christmas in Twilight, Texas. The Cookie Club is baking, the town is decorated, and Delta Force Operator "Hutch" Hutchinson has finally, reluctantly, returned home . . .

. . . only to get pepper sprayed by the delicious- looking stranger who's taken over his house. She says her name is Jane, and she immediately sets down ground rules. Top priority: no touching. For Hutch that isn't easy—he was wounded in action, but one part is still working very well.

Then Hutch learns the truth. Jane harbors a frightening secret—she's really Meredith Sommers, on the run from a dangerous ex-husband and desperately in need of the safety Hutch can provide. In that moment, he vows he'd do anything in his power to protect her. And as Christmas approaches, they discover that their love can conquer the past and overcome any obstacle—but what price will they pay?

… (altro)
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Rich with emotion and longing, "Christmas at Twilight" is a touching holiday addition to author Lori Wilde's popular "Twilight, Texas" series. Captain Brian "Hutch" Hutchinson, war-wounded, and scarred inside and out, is discharged from the Army after being the lone survivor of the battle which took the lives of his men. Unable to speak and suffering from PTSD, he has no place to go but back to his home in Twilight, TX. His sister and young daughter have been living in his house, but that's not who greets him once he makes it home. Instead, a small, uber-defensive woman blasts him with concentrated pepper-spray, and the neighbors who know him as a friend have to come to his rescue. After realizing her mistake, Meredith Sommers does what she can to make amends--not easy with someone she has just disabled, especially when the man can't speak. As soon as she is able, Meredith, who goes by the name "Jane Brown", explains that Hutch's sister Ashley had taken her in after her van had broken down on the side of the road. Ashley's daughter, Kimmie, and Jane's son, Ben, had immediately bonded, and staying at Ashley's house turned out to be the break she needed. Unfortunately, Ashley, who has emotional issues of her own, has just taken off to Mexico with a man she just met, leaving Kimmie and the house in Jane's care. Hutch communicates to Jane that the house is actually his, and seeing that he will need help with his niece, he asks Jane to stay. They work out an agreement, Jane's rules apply--or nothing doing, and they both agree to make a happy holiday for the children. "Jane" is not fooling Hutch, however. He knows walking-wounded when he sees it, and he hasn't missed her own scars and her attempts to alter her appearance. That doesn't keep him from being attracted to her, a feeling which he knows is mutual. Meredith can't help but being drawn to Hutch, and that scares her because he makes her vulnerable with the feelings of need he stirs. Meredith can't afford to let her guard down--she's "Jane", and she's on the run from a danger as real to her as the nightmares which haunt Hutch. Can these two hearts find healing and mutual support with each other? Can passion and love and a lifetime of happiness be theirs for the taking? Author Lori Wilde has written a beautifully poignant holiday love story which will resonate in the hearts of readers.

Review Copy Gratis Amazon Vine ( )
  gincam | Sep 16, 2019 |
Incredible! In true Lori Wilde fashion, she has given us an incredible holiday story filled with gut wrenching raw emotion while discussing some very difficult subjects. All while never letting us forget that true happiness comes from the people we love and who love us. This is an incredible love story between Hutch and Meredith as well as the shared love they have for their children. This one should go on the very top of your holiday reading list. From the first page to the last it will touch the very center of your heart and not let go. I highly recommend it! ( )
  Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
Very good book, full of love, loss, hope and fear. Hutch is unwillingly headed home to Twilight because injuries he received during the war have made it impossible to stay in the army. He left the hospital, unable to speak and bearing guilty feelings over being the only one in his group to survive the attack. He's told that his inability to speak is psychological, not physical. He arrives home to find his sister is missing and the other woman in his house sprays him with pepper spray.

Meredith panicked when she saw Hutch. It wasn't a clear view and she thought he was her ex-husband. Meredith and her son have been on the run from him for five years. She has been in Twilight for two months, sharing the house with Hutch's sister Ashley. A week before Hutch's arrival, Ashley called Meredith to tell her she was going to Mexico with the new man she met, and asked Meredith to take care of her daughter Kimmie. Meredith is afraid that something has happened to Ashley when she doesn't return her calls.

Though their initial meeting is rough, Meredith and Hutch come to an agreement. Meredith and her son will stay in order to help Hutch care for his niece. Hutch will help her give the kids as normal a Christmas as they can manage. Meredith is wary around him at first, thanks to lessons learned from her violent ex. She lays down some ground rules, which include no touching. That's a little tough for Hutch, because he's really attracted to her, but something tells him he needs to be careful. Hutch is himself still dealing with his own issues. He is frustrated by his inability to speak and wonders if he'll ever get back to normal.

I loved seeing the way that Hutch and Meredith connected so quickly. She's wary, but she quickly sees that there's a kind and gentle man behind the scars and frustration. Hutch also sees that there is something behind Meredith's wariness, but that it will take trust for her to confide in him. Once she does, Hutch is determined to protect her. The connection between them grows stronger as they work together to take care of the two children. It isn't all perfect, as Hutch has a setback that feeds her fears, but with help they overcome it. I liked seeing Hutch reconnect with his friends who are also vets, and how that sets him on the path to healing. A breakthrough on Christmas Day opens a new connection between Hutch and Meredith and things are really looking good for them.

But Meredith's past is still hanging over her, and Hutch is determined to make things right. Hutch's sister is also still missing, and their worry grows the longer she is gone. Her return and Meredith's past collide in a way that had me riveted for the last couple chapters. There are several twists during this point that had me wondering just how it was going to turn out. Meredith's strength of will really shines here, as does Hutch's. While it isn't an "all's well" ending, it is realistic and satisfying.

As always, the town of Twilight works its magic. Meredith has been made to feel welcome and a part of everything. I loved seeing how the ladies encouraged her to come to the cookie exchange, and how being there gave her more insight into who Hutch is. I also loved seeing the support that Hutch is given, as his friends are ready to help him as soon as he's ready to accept it. ( )
  scoutmomskf | Feb 27, 2015 |
This is the tenth and latest story in Lori Wilde's Twilight, Texas series, and I thought it was really good - both romantic and suspenseful.

This isn't a reunited lovers story, like most of the others in the series, but that's OK. Characters from the earlier novels appear in this one, but you don't have to read any of those books to understand this one.

Brian "Hutch" Hutchinson has returned to his hometown of Twilight, suffering from PTSD, released from Army Delta Force after losing a finger and his voice as the only survivor of a failed military operation. He comes to his Brazos River house only to find his mentally-ill sister Ashley gone and a strange woman and her son taking care of his niece. Jane Brown immediately pepper-sprays him.

Jane turns out to be Meredith Sommers, on the run from her abusive ex-cop husband. Hutch of course falls for her immediately, but he also needs her to stay and continue to care for his niece. This gives time for their relationship to develop through the holiday season (thanks to both wanting to be sure the two kids have a great Christmas) and for the suspense about what has happened to Ashley as well as to the ex-husband.

I don't want to give away any more of the story. It was not entirely predictable. Hutch and Meredith were very likable characters, even though their actions were not always realistic. (For example - Meredith demanding to make the rules for the two of them living in the house Hutch owns.) I enjoyed the way Lori Wilde wove in characters (major and minor) from previous stories in the series, and even some plot points like the kismet cookie legend from The First Love Cookie Club. Lori even worked some of her personality into Meredith - they both practice yoga.

© Amanda Pape - 2014

[I received this autographed paperback as a gift from Lori Wilde - I'll be hanging on to it.] ( )
1 vota riofriotex | Jan 1, 2015 |
Christmas at Twilight by Lori Wilde
Love holiday reads and this is one of the better ones. Starts out in North Texas where Hutch (Brian) has just returned from not only the war but the Army. He's been discharged due to his injuries and is back at the family home where his sister had been living.
When he arrives he meets Jane and her son Ben who are taking care of his sisters' child, Kimmie. We find out a lot about their past lives over the course of the pages. Love hearing how he copes with not being able to talk, he seems to have patience and calm about him.
Jane we find out isn't who she says she is and we learn about her past, the hiding, etc.
Love how the community helps each of them out in various ways. You know from the start they will end up together, it's the journey along the way that is the interesting part. True North, love this phrase! Sex scenes are toasty hot.
Violence is a bit on the strong side but there's a lot of action bringing the whole story together...was hoping for the Kismet cookie recipe...
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. ( )
  jbarr5 | Nov 7, 2014 |
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

It's Christmas in Twilight, Texas. The Cookie Club is baking, the town is decorated, and Delta Force Operator "Hutch" Hutchinson has finally, reluctantly, returned home . . .

. . . only to get pepper sprayed by the delicious- looking stranger who's taken over his house. She says her name is Jane, and she immediately sets down ground rules. Top priority: no touching. For Hutch that isn't easy—he was wounded in action, but one part is still working very well.

Then Hutch learns the truth. Jane harbors a frightening secret—she's really Meredith Sommers, on the run from a dangerous ex-husband and desperately in need of the safety Hutch can provide. In that moment, he vows he'd do anything in his power to protect her. And as Christmas approaches, they discover that their love can conquer the past and overcome any obstacle—but what price will they pay?


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