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As Close As Sisters

di Colleen Faulkner

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517519,616 (4.07)Nessuno
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

This novel by the author of Our New Normal "will evoke both tears and laughter while leaving readers contemplating the unbreakable bonds of friendship" (Booklist).
Since the age of twelve, McKenzie Arnold has spent every summer at Albany Beach, Delaware, with her best friends Aurora, Janine, and Lilly. The seaside house teems with thirty years of memories—some wonderful, others painful—and secrets never divulged beyond its walls. This summer may be the last they spend together, as Janine contemplates selling her family cottage.
For now, all four enjoy morning beach walks and lazy evenings on the porch, celebrating Lilly's longed-for pregnancy and offering support during McKenzie's greatest crisis. It's a time for laughter and recriminations, a time to forge a new understanding of a long-ago night when Aurora sealed their bond with one devastating act. And as the days gradually shorten, events will unfold in ways they couldn't have predicted, to make this the most momentous summer of all.
In a deeply moving novel filled with heartbreak and warmth, Colleen Faulkner explores the complex ties between four very different women as they move through life together, and apart.
Praise For Colleen Faulkner's Just Like Other Daughters
"This deeply moving story of maternal love and renewal will touch your heart. It's a celebration of the capacity of the human heart to heal itself and embrace change, beautifully written with rare insight." —Susan Wiggs, # 1 New York Times-bestselling author
"Be prepared to weep tears of sorrow as well as tears of joy. This is a novel you won't soon forget." —Holly Chamberlin, author of Last Summer
"So real, so honest . . . I laughed, I hoped, I cried. It's that good." —Cathy Lamb, author of Henry's Sisters

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An average 3-star read for me. If you like women's fiction, then you might enjoy it more. This is a cozy little read about friendship.

Set in summer of 2006 at a beach side cottage in Albany Beach, Delaware, four life-time friends, now in their forties, meet every summer for a month long vacation together. This may be their last year together, as one, McKenzie, is facing terminal cancer. As they deal with thoughts of losing her, they each have secrets of their past that unfold. Lillie is pregnant with her first child, but is ashamed that she experimented in prostitution. Janine was molested by her father, Buddy, who was also a cop, beginning at age 12. When the girls were 14, Aurora killed Buddy when she found him in Janine's bed. Aurora had multiple problems in life besides dealing with killing Janine's father, she later gave up her son at birth to the father and this also weighed heavily on her mind. The girls find support in each other as they work through their troubled past. ( )
  MissysBookshelf | Aug 27, 2023 |
The protagonists in Colleen Faulkner’s As Close As Sisters grew up together and maintained their bonds of friendship through adulthood, marriage, motherhood and more, till now they’re forty-somethings facing change. MacKenzie might be dying. Her daughters might not know it. Lilly wants what MacKenzie had. Janine wants to sell the house. And Aurora—successful, independent Aurora—wants things to change or go back to being the same. But summer has come and summer will go. Life will go on, while lasts and firsts intertwine and fears and hopes switch places; while smiles pasted on faces become true images of the past. After all, what kept these four women together all this time, and what really happened to bind them?

The author creates very believable characters and lets them tell their own tales, at their own pace. Each person’s narration follows naturally from what went before, and the voices are so convincing it’s easy to tell who’s speaking when. The past is not so much secret as untouched, untested, making the novel’s mystery and emotions feel deeply honest and powerful. It’s a dark past, and it casts a long shadow over new lives and old. But it’s perfectly told in a novel that flows smoothly through genuine relationships, inviting the reader to draw near. I really enjoyed it.

Disclosure: I think the cover and the title hooked me, and I’m really glad they did. ( )
  SheilaDeeth | Mar 30, 2017 |
Since the age of twelve, McKenzie Arnold has spent every summer at Albany Beach, Delaware, with her three best friends. The seaside house teems with thirty years of memories --some wonderful, others painful-- and secrets never divulged beyond its walls. This summer may be the last they spend together, as Janine contemplates selling her family cottage. In a deeply moving novel filled with heartbreak and warmth, Colleen Faulkner explores the complex ties between four very different women as they move through life together, and apart.
  BurnFundLib | Mar 20, 2016 |
If you like books about relationships with good character development, then this is certainly a good book for you. The story takes place at a family beach house (of one of the four close, but different friends) which they visit for one month every summer. The women believe that this will be their last summer together since one of the women has stage four cancer. You will either enjoy or hate the fact that each chapter is written from a different woman's perspective. As the story continues, we find out about their pasts, presents, and goals. The ending is sad, but wonderful! ( )
  MelAnnC | Feb 28, 2016 |
As Close as Sisters by Colleen Faolkner
Mackenize, Aurora, Lily and Jeanine all met on the beach when young and now they meet again as adults as they have gone in different directions.
Chapters from each of them, Mac is writing the diary and she's dying of cancer. At 42 she's arrived at the beach before the others arrive.
The ghosts will return from the nightmare...liked the part where I learn new things, time between tides and how caring Mac is as she undergoes treatment that will help others but it's too late to help her.
Sad and happy times as they remember the past years at the beach house...
I received this book from The Kennsington Books in exchange for my honest review ( )
  jbarr5 | Sep 25, 2015 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:

This novel by the author of Our New Normal "will evoke both tears and laughter while leaving readers contemplating the unbreakable bonds of friendship" (Booklist).
Since the age of twelve, McKenzie Arnold has spent every summer at Albany Beach, Delaware, with her best friends Aurora, Janine, and Lilly. The seaside house teems with thirty years of memories—some wonderful, others painful—and secrets never divulged beyond its walls. This summer may be the last they spend together, as Janine contemplates selling her family cottage.
For now, all four enjoy morning beach walks and lazy evenings on the porch, celebrating Lilly's longed-for pregnancy and offering support during McKenzie's greatest crisis. It's a time for laughter and recriminations, a time to forge a new understanding of a long-ago night when Aurora sealed their bond with one devastating act. And as the days gradually shorten, events will unfold in ways they couldn't have predicted, to make this the most momentous summer of all.
In a deeply moving novel filled with heartbreak and warmth, Colleen Faulkner explores the complex ties between four very different women as they move through life together, and apart.
Praise For Colleen Faulkner's Just Like Other Daughters
"This deeply moving story of maternal love and renewal will touch your heart. It's a celebration of the capacity of the human heart to heal itself and embrace change, beautifully written with rare insight." —Susan Wiggs, # 1 New York Times-bestselling author
"Be prepared to weep tears of sorrow as well as tears of joy. This is a novel you won't soon forget." —Holly Chamberlin, author of Last Summer
"So real, so honest . . . I laughed, I hoped, I cried. It's that good." —Cathy Lamb, author of Henry's Sisters


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