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Never Stopped Loving You (A Chester Farms Novel, 1)

di Keri Ford

Serie: Chester Farms (1)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

At eighteen, Kara Duncan had already made her fair share of mistakes, choosing the wrong boy and earning herself a bad reputation in the process. Hurt and humiliated, she'd packed up and moved on, sure that everyone in Bella Warren, Arkansas, would be better off without her. She'd planned never to return, but when crisis strikes, she has nowhere else to turn.

After seven years, Wade Chester thought his feelings for Kara were finally ancient history. Until he sees her again, standing on his front porch just as she'd done a million times before. She needs his help--and his family's crops--if her canning business is going to survive. The rest of his family has let bygones be bygones, so why is it so hard for him to let go of the past?

While Kara claims to be interested only in putting things right, the old heat flaring between them is undeniable. But Wade will need to risk his heart--and the reputation of his farm--to prove that they're meant to be together.

96,000 words

96,000 words

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I liked the story, although it all seemed a little too cliche for me. I guess I am reading too many books, because they are all starting to run together and sound the same.

Kara had a crush on her BFB (any Victoria Justice fans out there?)"best friend's brother" when she was in high school. Wade doesn't see her as anything other than a little sister, until one day he doesn't. Then of course they "date" for a bit and Kara thinks she needs to play hard to get even though Wade is seeing it as she isn't as into him as he is her. So they of course break up, and Kara being the teenager that she is goes a little wild and ends up acting out majorly because she thinks making Wade jealous will get him back.

Now keep in mind that none of this actually "happens" in the story, we get it all in small bits and pieces. The story takes place years later when everyone is all grown up and getting on with their lives. Kara left town when she was younger and never looked back, so when she shows up everyone has something to say about it.

After time, everyone of course has something to say; and then oh there is your HEA! ( )
  chaoticmel | May 18, 2024 |
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

At eighteen, Kara Duncan had already made her fair share of mistakes, choosing the wrong boy and earning herself a bad reputation in the process. Hurt and humiliated, she'd packed up and moved on, sure that everyone in Bella Warren, Arkansas, would be better off without her. She'd planned never to return, but when crisis strikes, she has nowhere else to turn.

After seven years, Wade Chester thought his feelings for Kara were finally ancient history. Until he sees her again, standing on his front porch just as she'd done a million times before. She needs his help--and his family's crops--if her canning business is going to survive. The rest of his family has let bygones be bygones, so why is it so hard for him to let go of the past?

While Kara claims to be interested only in putting things right, the old heat flaring between them is undeniable. But Wade will need to risk his heart--and the reputation of his farm--to prove that they're meant to be together.

96,000 words

96,000 words


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