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Time to Weave

di Jane Patrick

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1232229,870 (4.33)1
Highly textured objects such as plaited paper baskets, woven lanterns, small hearth rugs, and cork tables are featured in this beginner's guide to nonloom weaving. The easy instructions teach ancient techniques such as braiding, stringing, and knotting--and call for everyday materials such as copper tape, plastic sheeting, paper yarn, and granite tiles--to produce stunning contemporary designs for the home. A short essay about natural materials and the creative process introduces each project, and lovely photographs showcase the final results: sleek window hangings, stick-and-string coasters, pillows covered in canvas tape, and woven paper cards. A list of resources, an assortment of weaving tips, and suggestions for further reading are included.… (altro)
  1. 00
    Off-loom weaving, (Little craft book series) di Marion H. Bernstein (aulsmith)
    aulsmith: Two good books covering the basics of off-loom techniques.
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Cleaver ideas for fast weaving projects made with things you have around the house. Many of them are off-loam projects ( )
  aulsmith | Jan 30, 2008 |
  WGOKC | Jun 27, 2019 |
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One look at these gorgeous projects and your fingers will beg to learn a new craft! The beautiful, textural objects in Time to Weave - like plaited paper baskets, woven lanterns, hearth rugs, sachets, and cork table mats - offer an approachable and inspirational way to learn the fundamentals of non-loom weaving for the first time.

Drawing on ancient and traditional techniques, author Jane Patrick, past editor of Handwoven magazine, uses everyday materials like copper tape, plastic sheeting, shrink tubing, paper yarn, and granite tiles to create stunning contemporary objects for the home. Patrick focuses on embracing a sense of place and appreciation for the natural world in these 18 simple weaving projects, and encourages a choice of reconstructed, recycled, vintage, or natural materials.

Non-loom techniques in Time to Weave include braiding, stringing, knotting, frame loom weaving, straw weaving, weaving over a pillow form, and more. Projects range from a sticks-and-string coaster, canvas strip pillow, pocket purse, woven paper cards, "waves" window hanging, and more. Clear step-by-step instructions and photography are provided for each design, and each project features ideas and variations for further exploration.

Projects call for simple equipment and tools and materials that are easily available. Each project is introduced with a quote and short essay about the process of making the piece, the materials, or sometimes musings about the process of creation and how this fits in with daily living. Patrick encourages readers to weave with a purpose and enjoy the process of creation as much as the outcome. Also included are hints, resources, and suggestions for further reading.
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Highly textured objects such as plaited paper baskets, woven lanterns, small hearth rugs, and cork tables are featured in this beginner's guide to nonloom weaving. The easy instructions teach ancient techniques such as braiding, stringing, and knotting--and call for everyday materials such as copper tape, plastic sheeting, paper yarn, and granite tiles--to produce stunning contemporary designs for the home. A short essay about natural materials and the creative process introduces each project, and lovely photographs showcase the final results: sleek window hangings, stick-and-string coasters, pillows covered in canvas tape, and woven paper cards. A list of resources, an assortment of weaving tips, and suggestions for further reading are included.

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