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Calming Your Angry Mind: How Mindfulness and…
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Calming Your Angry Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anger and Bring Peace to Your Life (edizione 2014)

di Jeffrey Brantley MD (Autore), Barbara L. Fredrickson PhD (Prefazione)

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Anger is a natural emotion--and a part of what makes us human. But when you lose control of your anger, it can get in the way of meaningful relationships, successful careers, and ultimately, feelings of happiness and enjoyment. In this highly anticipated book, renowned mindfulness expert and author ofCalming Your Anxious Mind Jeff Brantley offers a breakthrough approach using mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and compassion practices to help you better handle the anger, fear, and hostile emotions that can wreak havoc at home, work, and in relationships. In addition, you will also learn important self-awareness skills to help you stop overreacting and improve communication with others. While other self-help books focus on traditional anger management, Brantley offers solutions that give you personal control over the experience of anger in your life. Inside, you'll discover the three major meditative approaches to soothing anger: stabilizing mind and body through concentrating your attention mindfully; using compassionate attention and reflection to disarm the energy of your anger; and learning to use wise understanding about the impermanent and "conditioned" nature ofyour angry reactions in order to diminish your vulnerability to anger's power. If you have difficulty with anger, you may be quick to blame others or act in aggressive ways. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking can often leave you feeling alone, alienated, and unhappy. If you are ready to make real, lasting changes, this book can provide you with the skills needed to manage and and transform your anger so that you can live a happier, healthier life.… (altro)
Titolo:Calming Your Angry Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anger and Bring Peace to Your Life
Autori:Jeffrey Brantley MD (Autore)
Altri autori:Barbara L. Fredrickson PhD (Prefazione)
Info:New Harbinger Publications (2014), Edition: 1, 248 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Da leggere

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Calming Your Angry Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anger and Bring Peace to Your Life di Jeffrey Brantley

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If you think, "I'm not an angry person, I don't need to read this book," wait! This book is about a lot more than just anger. It explains the concept of Mindfulness and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, - something that we could all use
I learned a lot of useful practices but the most important thing I learned was that "being angry at your anger does not help."
The Practice exercises were great, particularly bringing the exercises into daily life. I will really cherish this book. ( )
  Writermala | Oct 31, 2014 |
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Anger is a natural emotion--and a part of what makes us human. But when you lose control of your anger, it can get in the way of meaningful relationships, successful careers, and ultimately, feelings of happiness and enjoyment. In this highly anticipated book, renowned mindfulness expert and author ofCalming Your Anxious Mind Jeff Brantley offers a breakthrough approach using mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and compassion practices to help you better handle the anger, fear, and hostile emotions that can wreak havoc at home, work, and in relationships. In addition, you will also learn important self-awareness skills to help you stop overreacting and improve communication with others. While other self-help books focus on traditional anger management, Brantley offers solutions that give you personal control over the experience of anger in your life. Inside, you'll discover the three major meditative approaches to soothing anger: stabilizing mind and body through concentrating your attention mindfully; using compassionate attention and reflection to disarm the energy of your anger; and learning to use wise understanding about the impermanent and "conditioned" nature ofyour angry reactions in order to diminish your vulnerability to anger's power. If you have difficulty with anger, you may be quick to blame others or act in aggressive ways. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking can often leave you feeling alone, alienated, and unhappy. If you are ready to make real, lasting changes, this book can provide you with the skills needed to manage and and transform your anger so that you can live a happier, healthier life.

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