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United States Department of Agriculture Leaflets and Farmers' Bulletins, 1927-1935.

di United States Department of Agriculture

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Aggiunto di recente daPAHistorian
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Shelf box containing a collection of United States Department of Agriculture Leaflets and Farmers' Bulletins as follows:

Cutworms in the Garden; Food Habits for Children; Winter Vegetables - How to grow and Store Them; Honey and Some of Its Uses; The Sweetpotato Weevil and How to Control It; The home Production of Onion Seeds and Sets; Tobacco Curing; Tobacco Culture; Weeds - How to Control Them; Cutworms and Their Control in Corn and Other Cereal Crops; Capons and Caponizing; Home Storage of vegetables; Raspberry Culture; Farm and Home Drying of Fruits and Vegetables; Commercial Bordeaux Mixtures - How to Calculate Their Value; Sweetpotato Growing; Growing Fruit for Home Use; Sweet-Potato Diseases; Production of Late or Main Crop Potatoes; Permanent Fruit and Vegetable Gardens; The Production of Peas for Canning; Celery Growing; Sed Potatoes and How to Produce Them; Home Tanning of Leather and Small Skins; Control of Potato Tuber Diseases; Care of Food in the Home; Vegetable See for the Home and Market Garden; Blackberry Growing; Turkey Raising; Rat Control; Preparation of Bunched Beets, Carrots, and Turnips for Market; Growing Cucumbers for Pickling; The Mexican Bean Beetle in the East and Its Control; Asparagus Culture; Diseases and Parasites of Poultry; Food for Children; Milk for the Family; Hotbeds and Coldframes.
  PAHistorian | Jul 22, 2013 |
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