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Mind MGMT Volume 3: The Home Maker

di Matt Kindt

Serie: Mind MGMT (Vol. 3)

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"With Meru and Lyme's partnership destroyed, the players go their separate ways, in a series of interconnected stories revealing each character's hidden pasts! As the former team separately continues their investigations into the seemingly reformed psychic spy agency Mind Management, the Eraser sets her sights on a valuable new recruit--Meru! And somewhere in Suburbia, an agent of the Russian answer to the Management sets in motion events that will bring each of the stories together in an explosive confrontation!"--… (altro)
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Matt Kindt is stupid good. I'm glad I've stuck with this series. If he's making this all up as he goes and doesn't have some master word doc somewhere then he's the most inventive comics writer of all time. ( )
  skolastic | Feb 2, 2021 |
I continue to adore the art style in this series. It really is the main selling point for me. Saying that, I found the margin writing a lot more annoying this time around. Probably because it wasn’t really very interesting.

As for the story… eh. It mostly focused on the continued recruitment of former agents. Or rather the failure to recruit former agents. Kindt seems to have wanted to focus more on character and world building in this addition. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it seems like he’s going backwards with main character Meru. She seems to be losing what personality she had in the name of “mystery”.

Anyway, it was still an enjoyable read and I’m moving straight on to the next volume.
( )
  Fardo | Oct 15, 2019 |
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Mind MGMT (Vol. 3)
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"With Meru and Lyme's partnership destroyed, the players go their separate ways, in a series of interconnected stories revealing each character's hidden pasts! As the former team separately continues their investigations into the seemingly reformed psychic spy agency Mind Management, the Eraser sets her sights on a valuable new recruit--Meru! And somewhere in Suburbia, an agent of the Russian answer to the Management sets in motion events that will bring each of the stories together in an explosive confrontation!"--

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Media: (4.02)
3 5
3.5 3
4 10
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5 6

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