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Integrative Nutrition di Joshua Rosenthal
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Integrative Nutrition (edizione 2007)

di Joshua Rosenthal (Autore)

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101Nessuno278,158 (4.59)Nessuno
There is no one-size-fits-all diet. Fad diets all promise miraculous results for your outward appearance-yet people continue to eat poorly, gain weight and depend on medications and operations to maintain their health. Learn the secrets of intuitive eating and start building a new relationship with your body. Integrative Nutrition is loaded with valuable insights into nutritional theories, simple ways to nurture your body and holistic approaches to maximize health. Integrative Nutrition offers a play-by-play for proper nutrition and personal growth, and is packed with delicious, easy-to-follow recipes What Integrative Nutrition can do for you: **Learn the truth about food corporations, pharmaceutical companies and obesity **Weigh the strengths and weaknesses of many popular diets and cleanses **Discover why your body craves certain foods and why you should listen to those cravings **Explore the connection between food, sexuality, spirituality, and work **Find out how cooking at home can boost your health **Add more to your diet rather than cut back **Release your dependency on restaurant food, fast food, and processed food Don't be a health food addict: enjoy your favorite foods without guilt.… (altro)
Titolo:Integrative Nutrition
Autori:Joshua Rosenthal (Autore)
Info:Integrative Nutrition Publishing (2007), Edition: 1, 256 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura

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Integrative Nutrition di Joshua Rosenthal

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There is no one-size-fits-all diet. Fad diets all promise miraculous results for your outward appearance-yet people continue to eat poorly, gain weight and depend on medications and operations to maintain their health. Learn the secrets of intuitive eating and start building a new relationship with your body. Integrative Nutrition is loaded with valuable insights into nutritional theories, simple ways to nurture your body and holistic approaches to maximize health. Integrative Nutrition offers a play-by-play for proper nutrition and personal growth, and is packed with delicious, easy-to-follow recipes What Integrative Nutrition can do for you: **Learn the truth about food corporations, pharmaceutical companies and obesity **Weigh the strengths and weaknesses of many popular diets and cleanses **Discover why your body craves certain foods and why you should listen to those cravings **Explore the connection between food, sexuality, spirituality, and work **Find out how cooking at home can boost your health **Add more to your diet rather than cut back **Release your dependency on restaurant food, fast food, and processed food Don't be a health food addict: enjoy your favorite foods without guilt.

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