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Strange and Ever After (Something Strange…
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Strange and Ever After (Something Strange and Deadly Trilogy, 3) (edizione 2017)

di Susan Dennard (Autore)

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21316129,960 (3.97)1
Romance. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

Discover a "roaring-and addictive-gothic world" (Publishers Weekly) in the explosive conclusion of the Something Strange and Deadly trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Susan Dennard—now with a gorgeous new cover.

It has been a tumultuous time for Eleanor Fitt since life as she knew it in Philadelphia came abruptly to an end. Although the Spirit-Hunters—Joseph, Jie, and Daniel—have helped her survive, Eleanor has lost just about everything.

And now, Jie is missing—taken by the evil necromancer Marcus. Eleanor is determined not only to get her back but to finally end this nightmare. To do so, she must navigate the hot desert streets of nineteenth-century Egypt amid the rising Dead, her unresolved feelings for Daniel, and her volatile relationships with Joseph and Oliver, her demon. And it won't be easy. Because Allison, her friend from Philadelphia, has tagged along, becoming strangely entangled in Eleanor's mission.

It will take all of Eleanor's powers of black magic, and all of Daniel's and Joseph's trust, to succeed. But there will be a price.

… (altro)
Titolo:Strange and Ever After (Something Strange and Deadly Trilogy, 3)
Autori:Susan Dennard (Autore)
Info:HarperTeen (2017), Edition: Revised, 416 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Strange and Ever After di Susan Dennard

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I liked this book alot. I think it took me for this book to enjoy the main protagonist. I think you are need to view her love of magic an addiction to really understand her character. This book was very shocking plot wise and was unexpected. I really loved all the twists and turns that happen. Strong series! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
I liked this book alot. I think it took me for this book to enjoy the main protagonist. I think you are need to view her love of magic an addiction to really understand her character. This book was very shocking plot wise and was unexpected. I really loved all the twists and turns that happen. Strong series! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
** Warning Major Spoilers During 2nd Half of Review** It's been 3 days since I finished this book and I still get so emotional about the ending. It's so bittersweet! Before I talk about the ending, I'll give my overall impressions about this book. It was very well written, especially the end. The title of this book kind of fooled me because it's called Strange and Ever After, which is so close to Happily Ever After that I was expecting a happy ending. This was not a happy ending, at least not in my book. So if you're expecting a happy ending, be warned this is not it. It's still a good ending, however not everyone gets a happy ever after. Eleanor's character development was well done; you can see how everything she went through and her own inner struggles shaped the woman she became by the end of this book. I really liked her character by the end and she wasn't annoying like she was in the 2nd book. At the end of the 2nd book I wasn't sure if I could completely trust Oliver's character but he's totally won me over in this book. Oliver is great! He's so loyal and such a good friend to Eleanor even though he's got a really good reason to be mad at her and never talk to her again, he still stuck by her.

I liked the different locations this took place in. They start off in Paris then go to Marseille and then finally Egypt. There's lots of action in this book, a really cute romance, and betrayal. Like the first two books, this one is predictable as well but overall I really enjoyed this book and it was a great conclusion to the series. Now onto the spoilers!


OMG, I still can't get over that ending! Daniel! Why did he have to die! Ok, I understand his death but I am NOT happy about it. The minute Daniel and Eleanor started making plans about their future and traveling Europe and starting up a school for kids, the minute they started talking about all this stuff I knew for sure Daniel was going to die. However, I also thought that they would bring him back somehow so when he dies at first, I'm not too upset about it. I kept thinking "they'll bring him back, they'll find a way" and when Eleanor went into the spirit realm after Daniel I thought for sure she was going to get him back. Then she had to leave the spirit realm but after talking to the jackal I figured if she accomplished what he told her to do and bring the artifacts back to the spirit realm then maybe he would "reward" her by letting Daniel come back. I really didn't want to believe that Daniel was gone for good but when they burned his body I knew there was no way he was coming back and that was just devastating. I love Daniel's character so much and I hate that he's gone but the ending was so beautifully written that I still love it anyway. ( )
  VanessaMarieBooks | Dec 10, 2023 |

heart wrenching sob enduced ending! poetically beautiful and tragic ending. ( )
  murphyrules | Feb 23, 2018 |
Love the ending to this trilogy. So many feels as the fight to stop Marcus continues.

Eleanor definitely grows up in this novel. She’s had to endure so many hardships, and faces more battles ahead. Her friendships and feelings are tested to the max. Her need for revenge overshadows everything else at times. She is one of the strongest characters I’ve read, and proves that it’s okay to be odd.

There is a ton of action. It seems like the Spirit-Hunters are always a step behind Marcus. They have to fight with everything they have at every turn. Marcus is a true monster, and will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

There are so many great things that take place amid the horrible events in this book. I couldn’t stop reading. ( )
  BookishThings | Mar 23, 2016 |
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Romance. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

Discover a "roaring-and addictive-gothic world" (Publishers Weekly) in the explosive conclusion of the Something Strange and Deadly trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Susan Dennard—now with a gorgeous new cover.

It has been a tumultuous time for Eleanor Fitt since life as she knew it in Philadelphia came abruptly to an end. Although the Spirit-Hunters—Joseph, Jie, and Daniel—have helped her survive, Eleanor has lost just about everything.

And now, Jie is missing—taken by the evil necromancer Marcus. Eleanor is determined not only to get her back but to finally end this nightmare. To do so, she must navigate the hot desert streets of nineteenth-century Egypt amid the rising Dead, her unresolved feelings for Daniel, and her volatile relationships with Joseph and Oliver, her demon. And it won't be easy. Because Allison, her friend from Philadelphia, has tagged along, becoming strangely entangled in Eleanor's mission.

It will take all of Eleanor's powers of black magic, and all of Daniel's and Joseph's trust, to succeed. But there will be a price.


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