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Montana Bride

di Joan Johnston

Serie: Mail-Order Bride (3), Bitter Creek (Mail-Order Bride bk 3 - Book 11)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
10819260,940 (3.67)11
Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER

When Karl Norwood’s mail-order bride meets an untimely demise on the way to the Montana Territory, Hetty Wentworth steps in to take her place. Hetty has no idea how she’s going to pretend to be all the things she isn’t—including the mother of two kids. She only knows her deception is necessary if she’s going to save two orphans from the awful fate she suffered as a child.
Karl smells a rat when a much younger woman than he was expecting arrives with two children who look nothing like her. But his mail-order bride is so beautiful, he doesn’t object—until he realizes that his charming new wife has been lying . . . about everything. Can a woman forced to keep secrets and a man hindered by distrust ever hope to find happily ever after in each other’s arms?

Praise for Montana Bride
“[A] swiftly paced romance.”Publishers Weekly
Montana Bride is a compelling read and definitely a noteworthy addition to a great series.”Fresh Fiction
“Joan Johnston knows how to spin a story that will get to the readers every time. [Montana Bride] is no different. . . . It was emotional, heartfelt and real. It was honest. . . . It was simply magic from a master storyteller.”Night Owl Reviews
“If you are a fan of historicals, a fan of beautiful descriptive writing, and a fan of steamy romance, you won’t want to miss out on Montana Bride.”Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews
“Johnston has a keen eye for quirky circumstances that put her characters, and the reader, through a wringer. Laughing one moment and crying the next, you’ll always have such a great time getting to the happy-ever-after.”Romance Junkies Reviews

The passionate Westerns in Joan Johnston’s Bitter Creek series can be enjoyed together or separately, in any order:
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Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
This is the first book I have read by Joan Johnston and the first book of the Bitter Creek Series; the others are Texas Bride and Wyoming bride but this book can be read on it's own.

Hetty takes the place of the mail order bride for Karl Norwood after the death of the one he is supposed to marry. Two orphans, a boy and a girl, were pretending to be the children of the deceased woman so they could find a home. Hetty is encourage to do this by Bao Lin, the Chinese man who was sent by Karl to escort the original mail order bride, Mrs. Templeton.
The readers get history lessons in this book about the area, what like is like in this time era and how hard it is. People begin hard work at an early age at this time (late 1800s) and young girls age quickly. Karl has an interest in plants and flowers and tries to teach the children as they travel to their new home.
There is some sexual themes and moments in this book but not too much as far as I am concerned. Some language but very little and usually the person is corrected in their speech.
I personally did not like the cover of the book. It does not describe the contents at all.
Some characters are:
Henrietta Wentworth- the main woman character who came from a wealthy family. She has sisters she is unable to locate.
Karl Norwood- the main male character who wants to begin a family and accepts the fact there are already children from the woman he plans to marry
Grace and Griffin- the orphans who are the supposed children of Hetty. They are older than originally lead to believe.
Dennis- longtime friend of Karl
Bao Lin- the Chinese man who has many Confucius sayings.
Andy- someone from Texas who falls for Grace
I liked this book. I did not do my review so re-read it and I liked it better the second time. I found it a personal book in the fact so many had low esteem about themselves and were trying to find their way in life. A quick read.
I received a complimentary copy from the author on to read and review. I give it a 4 star rating and look forward to reading more of Joan Johnston.
You may find the author at ( )
  mnleona | Oct 5, 2022 |
I mostly enjoyed this book but I felt it really ended with a whimper not a good climatic bang. The bizarre bad guy sort of got his comeuppance but not at the hands of either of the main characters so any build up just sort of fizzled out. Also the main story was interrupted by a pretty uninteresting romance between a 14 year old girl and her 16 year old boyfriend. Ultimately just so so. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Ms. Johnson continues her Mail-Order Brides series with Hetty's story, Hannah's sister, the one that I was on a war path with in Hannah's story. Holy Crap! She might have driven me to murder were I her sister! If there was trouble to be had, she was in it to her eyeballs!

She drove me crazy in the beginning of this story but then I slowly warmed up to her, as her character grew, I liked her more and more.

As I mentioned before in my earlier reviews of this series, Ms. Johnson is good when it comes to characterization. Hetty is the proof of that. She created a whiny, shallow and bratty girl and then turned her into a compelling, affectionate and determined woman I couldn't help but care for.

As for Karl, he was a perfect Beta Hero. As smart, patient and kind man who is plain looking, he thought he hit a jackpot with his beautiful mail-order bride. Hetty on the other hand wasn't of a similar opinion when it came to her opinion of her groom.

I've read all the books in this series and I've loved them all equally. I'm chomping at the bit to read Josie's story in 'Blackthorne's Bride'!

If you like western romance then this author and her books, this series included, should be on your list.

Melanie for b2b
Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
( )
  bookworm2bookworm | Mar 30, 2017 |
This has a different feel from the first two books. There's less connection between the characters. I spent an inordinate amount of time hoping Dennis would be killed by a log or eaten by a bear. That's something, at least. ( )
  lesmel | Mar 21, 2016 |
This is book 3 of the Mail-order bride series. It can be read as a standalone but does pick up right where book 2 left off. (So it's probably best to read in series order in order to fully appreciate it.)

Hetty Wentworth's wagon was attacked during her trip west, leaving her dying and alone. Reluctantly rescued by a mail order bride (who was traveling with her escort and two kids), she finds herself rescuing the kids when their mother unexpectedly dies on their journey. She plays the part of their mother to save herself as well as the kids. Karl senses something is up but allows her to stay. Then the secrets are revealed...

This was a pretty good western romance. Sweet yet not lacking in steam! The story was fast paced and entertaining. You will enjoy this read!

I received this book in exchange for an honest book review. ( )
  Books007 | Oct 27, 2014 |
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Appartiene alle Serie

Bitter Creek (Mail-Order Bride bk 3 - Book 11)
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This book is dedicated to:
Roseanna J. Dirmann
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Chapter One

"Don't you dare strike that child!" Henrietta Wentworth set her plate of hardtack and beans aside and rose from her seat on a fallen log beside the campfire.
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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER

When Karl Norwood’s mail-order bride meets an untimely demise on the way to the Montana Territory, Hetty Wentworth steps in to take her place. Hetty has no idea how she’s going to pretend to be all the things she isn’t—including the mother of two kids. She only knows her deception is necessary if she’s going to save two orphans from the awful fate she suffered as a child.
Karl smells a rat when a much younger woman than he was expecting arrives with two children who look nothing like her. But his mail-order bride is so beautiful, he doesn’t object—until he realizes that his charming new wife has been lying . . . about everything. Can a woman forced to keep secrets and a man hindered by distrust ever hope to find happily ever after in each other’s arms?

Praise for Montana Bride
“[A] swiftly paced romance.”Publishers Weekly
Montana Bride is a compelling read and definitely a noteworthy addition to a great series.”Fresh Fiction
“Joan Johnston knows how to spin a story that will get to the readers every time. [Montana Bride] is no different. . . . It was emotional, heartfelt and real. It was honest. . . . It was simply magic from a master storyteller.”Night Owl Reviews
“If you are a fan of historicals, a fan of beautiful descriptive writing, and a fan of steamy romance, you won’t want to miss out on Montana Bride.”Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews
“Johnston has a keen eye for quirky circumstances that put her characters, and the reader, through a wringer. Laughing one moment and crying the next, you’ll always have such a great time getting to the happy-ever-after.”Romance Junkies Reviews

The passionate Westerns in Joan Johnston’s Bitter Creek series can be enjoyed together or separately, in any order:

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