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Dog Shaming (2013)

di Pascale Lemire

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1283218,372 (3.74)2
Pets. Photography. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:Based on the runaway web phenomenon (dogshamingdotcom), Dog Shaming features the most hilarious, most shameful, and never-before-seen doggie misdeeds.

Our dogs are our best friends. They are always happy to see us. They comfort us in our times of need. They also eat our shoes, stain our carpets, and embarrass us in front of our guests.
Dog owners everywhere have found their outlet in Dog Shaming, where they can confess their dogs' biggest (and often grossest!) sins, which turn out to be recognizably universal—complete with snapshots of ridiculously cute but shamed pups who don't seem capable of humping humans, pooping on pillows, or snagging steak straight from a grill.

So share in the shaming and laugh through your frustration as Dog Shaming reminds us that unconditional love goes both ways.
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Dogs! ( )
  BookLeafs | May 26, 2022 |
So, this Dog Shaming thing is something I only recently heard about (from my boss), and then I read some cat humor books, so Goodreads started saying, 'Hey, look at this over here!' And my awesome library system has such odd things... So here we are! Or rather, here I am, reviewing this book for your book review reading pleasure.

What I am finding with all of these type of books (tree book versions of online phenomena such as [b:I Can Has Cheezburger?: A LOLcat Colleckshun|4334253|I Can Has Cheezburger? A LOLcat Colleckshun|Professor Happycat||4382121] and [b:How to Take Over Teh Wurld: A LOLcat Guide 2 Winning|6428923|How to Take Over Teh Wurld A LOLcat Guide 2 Winning|Professor Happycat||6618364]) is that the editors are usually not printing a 'best of' here. (They probably are not able to, due to permissions and such, I would imagine.) So while you get some very giggle worthy, very enjoyable reading, you are not getting the ones that make you wet your pants. (YMMV.) So with that disclaimer out of the way, I heartily recommend this. And I'm going to take a page out of Karen's review and decline to spoil any of the pictures of the book. Rather, these are some of my pug and puggle -centric favorites from the site.

Happy feasting.

(That one is a surprisingly common theme.)

(As is this one.)

(Some misadventures are more devastating than others, though.)

(Much more devastating.)

(The only thing missing here is the "on purpose.")

Pugs are like that.

More here: ( )
  amyotheramy | May 11, 2021 |
Hilarious!!! My dog is guilty of some of these same things. So glad to know I am not alone! This is a laugh out loud book! ( )
  Erika.D | Jan 28, 2016 |
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Pets. Photography. Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:Based on the runaway web phenomenon (dogshamingdotcom), Dog Shaming features the most hilarious, most shameful, and never-before-seen doggie misdeeds.

Our dogs are our best friends. They are always happy to see us. They comfort us in our times of need. They also eat our shoes, stain our carpets, and embarrass us in front of our guests.
Dog owners everywhere have found their outlet in Dog Shaming, where they can confess their dogs' biggest (and often grossest!) sins, which turn out to be recognizably universal—complete with snapshots of ridiculously cute but shamed pups who don't seem capable of humping humans, pooping on pillows, or snagging steak straight from a grill.

So share in the shaming and laugh through your frustration as Dog Shaming reminds us that unconditional love goes both ways.

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