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Hate Is Such a Strong Word

di Sarah Ayoub

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Seventeen-year-old Sophie hates Monday mornings, socks worn with sandals and having to strategise like she's a battle sergeant every time she asks her parents if she can go out. But she especially hates being stereotyped because she's Lebanese. When New Guy, Shehadie Goldsmith, is alienated at her Lebanese school because his dad's Australian, she hates the way it makes her feel. Like she's just as prejudiced as everyone else. Like she could make a difference if she stopped pretending she's invisible. Like the attraction between them might be too strong to fight ...But hate is such a strong word ... Can Sophie find the strength to speak out - even if it means going against everything she's been brought up to believe? A brilliant debut novel about identity, love, culture and finding your place.… (altro)
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Sophie and Shehadie's story is not new, but it's a new take on things. It's your typical Young Adult book filled with angst, struggles against "the man", and feelings blooming up left and right...but it also isn't as it deals with prejudice, hate crimes, and racial divisions from the not so white painted lines. That's right. In this story, the Lebanese community has the leading voice, whereas the mixed bloodlines of "New Guy" leave him the un-trusted minority. The thing about it is, it also shows how one voice can help enact change. One voice can save a soul. One voice can help uncover the courage of a community currently lost under a blanket of fear and past insecurities. So yeah, it's pretty powerful stuff, and a definite must read for those looking for strong examples of walking against the crowd in the name of GOOD and what's RIGHT.

**copy received for review; opinions are my own ( )
  GRgenius | Jul 31, 2022 |
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Seventeen-year-old Sophie hates Monday mornings, socks worn with sandals and having to strategise like she's a battle sergeant every time she asks her parents if she can go out. But she especially hates being stereotyped because she's Lebanese. When New Guy, Shehadie Goldsmith, is alienated at her Lebanese school because his dad's Australian, she hates the way it makes her feel. Like she's just as prejudiced as everyone else. Like she could make a difference if she stopped pretending she's invisible. Like the attraction between them might be too strong to fight ...But hate is such a strong word ... Can Sophie find the strength to speak out - even if it means going against everything she's been brought up to believe? A brilliant debut novel about identity, love, culture and finding your place.

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