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Stand in My Shoes: Kids Learning About Empathy

di Bob Sornson Ph.D.

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After Emily asks her big sister what the word empathy means, Emily decides to pay closer attention to others during her day.
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This about a little girl that learns about empathy and realized that its good to be there for people.
Ages 5-10
Pierce county library
  Miah124 | Jun 9, 2019 |
very nice book about empathy and how having it can help others.
  lesabrn | Mar 6, 2019 |
Stand in My Shoes is a very straightforward book about empathy. The protagonist, a young girl, learns about the word empathy and then we follow her through the day as she decides to figure out how people are feeling. People appreciate this thought and they ways she helps them, and so Emily feels good about her day. The story is uncomplicated (potentially dull?) and the illustrations are a little off. I give this book 4 stars though, because it would be a good book for a student with special needs. Often, books about empathy are full of metaphors, which can be challenging for certain students. This book gets straight to the point, which is not always a bad thing. ( )
  alootens1 | Oct 4, 2018 |
building understanding. of how to build empathy for young children.
  jjohnsonIII9567 | May 9, 2018 |
The story begins when Emily goes to talk to her big sister. Her big sister is busy studying for a test and she asks Emily to have empathy. Emily begins to wonder what empathy means, and when her sister tells her, she Emily puts it in to action. The next day, Emily notices that her father seems stressed. He has to be at work for a presentation and he has just spilled coffee grounds all over the floor. Emily notices how he is feeling, and offers to help him clean up. At school, Emily notices how her peers, teachers, and even cafeteria workers seem to be feeling. Emily tries to be as helpful as she can with each person she encounters. When Emily arrives home, she asks her mom how she is feeling. Shocked by the question, Emily's mom points out that Emily seems to be extra thoughtful. At the end of the story, Emily returns to her sister and tells her what she has learned about empathy. At first, Emily does not understand what it's like to care for the feelings of others. By the end of the book, Emily begins to understand that developing empathy causes a change within herself.

Ages 5-8
Pierce County Library
  Galileogst | Nov 25, 2017 |
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For decades he has delivered the same consistent message: set firm limits in a loving way, let children make decisions sometimes, allow them to struggle, allow them to solve the problems they create whenever posssible, let them learn from their mistakes. Simple wisdom, needed now more than ever in our lives. Throughout his years of training parents and teachers, his message has been built upon a foundation of empathy and respect for the children who come into our lives. Love these beautiful children. Help them grow strong. This book is dedicated to Jim Fay, one of the great teachers.
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After Emily asks her big sister what the word empathy means, Emily decides to pay closer attention to others during her day.

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