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Norse Jewel (Entangled Scandalous)

di Gina Conkle

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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:Stolen by marauding Danes, Helena's desperate to escape their camp. Her unlikely savior comes, a fierce Viking chieftain named Hakan, who takes her to the frozen north. Hakan wants to lay down his sword and live a peaceful farmer's life. Past betrayal left him cold to love, yet the Frankish woman who keeps his longhouse thaws his icy heart.
Helena wasn't born a slave. She wants nothing more than to return home, yet her stoic master fascinates her...he's as bold as the wild northlands.
But war is brewing —a kingdom's in the balance and Hakan must take up his sword. Can the Viking warrior defend his homeland and keep the woman he loves?
"A story rich in historical detail and peopled with well-formed characters...Excellent read!"—Author Cheryl Howe
"A master at piquing the reader's interest, Gina Conkle has crafted a mesmerizing story that evokes strong emotions in readers."—4.5 star review,
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The story is set in 1022 where we meet Helena, who has been captured by Danish raiders who attacked her village and then sold to a Viking chieftain as his slave. Hakan wasn't what I expected. Instead of a macho blowhard jackass, Hakan was a fierce warrior but also a gentle and caring father. He was very respectful of Helena even though he was attracted to her and could have forced her to do whatever he wanted. Helena was smart and willing to work hard to find a way to return to her home. I really liked both characters.

Given the cover I thought this was going to be more about smutty sex between the two main characters but it ended up being a kind of sweet, slow burn romance between two nice characters that obviously belonged together.

The storyline had just the right amount of suspense, adventure, and romance. I needed to read a book about Vikings and this ended up being much better than I expected. It reminded me of how much I loved this type of story when I was in my twenties. ( )
  Olivermagnus | Jul 2, 2020 |
Gina Conkle, Norse Jewel

1) Book Title 9 of 10
Norse Jewel To be honest, prior to seeing the book cover, I truly thought this book was about Vikings who were going to go in search of some sort of precious jewel. Granted it could have something to do with the fact that I'd been watching 'Vikings' on the History Channel (as well as an actual biography type show about Vikings) and they were always going hither and yon in search of jewels and treasure. But then again, that's the sort of thing to consider when one comes up with a title...what will be going on 'socially' when a book comes out and how could that impact the overall perception of the book? All in all does point out that A: it's about the Norse people (and one can make a logical assumption that by Norse, the author will be discussing Vikings in some way); and, B: it's about something that is precious enough to be thought of as a Jewel.

And that's why I'm going to give it a 9 of 10.

2) Book Cover 10 of 10 look at the cover of this book and you know...K-N-O-W it's going to have something to do with a Viking who is apparently very fit (seriously, look at that physique!), a Viking of some wealth (take a gander at that awesome jeweled band on his forearm and the sword he's carrying) who, if he's wealthy he must have done very well in wars OR he was born into wealth. Either way, it's a sizzling hot cover. (And when you read the book, I bet you'll go - yep...yep, that could SO totally be Hakan!)

One of the things that I like about it is the fact that unlike other romance books this one doesn't have some ethereal beauty who looks like she was plucked off the cover of a magazine standing all wistfully 'by her man'. And why do I like that? Because, as a woman, even though I'm not the female lead in the story - it's so difficult to put myself into a story that's meant to stir the emotions if I can't at least pretend that I'm the girl. Closing a book and seeing an image of a 'her' who isn't 'me' can be such a mental bummer! So, whoever said 'Hey, let's just give a glimpse of Hakan and leave Helena to the readers imagination' deserves a pat on their back!

3) First 500... 7 of 10
I will admit that it took me a couple of pages to fall into the rhythm of the speech pattern that Conkle used to open up the story. At first, I literally got lost in 'who' was talking because there are, of course, the characters speaking and when they were talking I was able to mentally say to myself, 'This is a character, give them a voice...listen to their tone.' But then when the actual action shifted from the characters to the voice of a non existent 'Narrator' (a voice which typically is NOT done using the same speech patterns as the characters in a period specific book...this one is set it the early AD 1000 era, rather it is simply the most effective way to keep the story moving. If you're reading this and wondering what in the world I'm talking about - forgive me, it's something I run across when I edit work quite a lot. But I think if you read those first 2 chapters you'll understand what I mean.), I felt almost as if I was supposed to listen to the narrator as a unique entity...which made no sense to me. In fact, as I mentioned, it actually caused me to 'stutter-read' (my term for going back a few words again and again to make sure I really read what I read! )

Thankfully, I will say that after about two chapters of reading 'twas, 'tween, and 'twixt as well as some oddly worded phases that sort of screamed 'Aye folks, this epic be a historical Viking romance and by Oden's beard ye shall be enthralled by it lest ye be willing to suffer the wrath of Thor's hammer!' - Conkle lets the action proceed without such grandiose and flourishing narration. And THAT is when I really fell into this story.

4) Is the age recommendation accurate? 10 of 10
Considering this is a historical romance novel, I'd say the target audience of women aged 16 and up is spot on. Now, does that mean men can't read AND enjoy this book? By all means...NO! There are many amazing action scenes (broad axes get thrown, booze is slurped from horns, berserkers ravage the countryside, and mighty ships travel to faraway lands) that the 'romance' becomes more like a vital catalyst for major things to happen that might not have happened without it! It's even a story that I honestly think if I said to my own husband, who does NOT read 'romance' novels but loves tales told with a historic slant, 'Hey, you might like this Norse Jewel book it's about Vikings and the author took a lot of care to be historically accurate.' (Okay, so maybe I'd have to NOT show him the cover) But I'll bet he'd read it and think it was pretty good.

5) Presentation and Format 10 of 10
Norse Jewel is presented very well from beginning to end. It's clear that the author or her editor(s) took great care to make sure that there were no glaring issues with how the words 'looked' on the page. That is something that cannot always be said - even about books published by giant houses who pay people oodles of money to 'make books look good'. The way Conkle made sure to carry through with the speech patterns of the characters (*See previous note about The First 500...) when it would have been far easier to have them slip into saying things in a more common vernacular is quite admirable. There aren't any weird spacing issues or paragraphs that are 2 pages long (which does sometimes happen!) And for the sheer ease on my eyes, as a reviewer, the presentation is greatly appreciated.

6) Theme and Originality 10 of 10
I have never read a Viking romance. I've read epic Viking tales that have had people who have been in love in them but the 'romance' was more 'in passing' than anything. And I've read historical romance novels set in the time period. But I've never read an honest to gosh historically accurate sweeping Viking tale with adventure, intrigue, and romance all rolled up into one. In fact, it reminds me that my some of my ancestors from way, WAY, W-A-Y back were...when it comes right down to it...just regular people surviving the best way they could.

Were they Barbarians? It depends on your definition! And Norse Jewel reminds us that at our very core - Viking back then...average, everyday folks today...we all want to be loved by someone who respects and honors us enough to 'give us up' if it's what we think we want.

7) Description Enhancement 10 of 10
Aside from the confusing opening...which was actually described beautifully...albeit very confusingly, Norse Jewel by Gina Conkle paints an image of the Viking people through her words that is a visual feast for the reader's eyes. Everything from the way she describes the interior of the Viking ships, the longhouses with their colorful patterned doorways, the golden fields that move in the cool, refreshing winds of summer, and even the way the silk-like cloth holds colors thanks to dying techniques Helena brings to the area is stunning.

The attack of the Beserker. The grand party with all the 'big' players in attendance. And Helena's return to her homeland...they are all so richly detailed it's like you are there.

8) Intrigue 10 of 10
All I can say about this book is...I started reading it at about 10PM one night, thinking I'd get in a chapter or 2 then I'd go to bed. At 2:30AM, my husband woke up and asked, "Are you STILL reading that book?" ... Does that count as intriguing? Oh, yes! My poor iPhone barely had 15% battery power left because I read it from beginning to end without plugging in the charger as it kept getting in my way!

9) Mechanics 10 of 10
To be honest, I remember truly one misused word and there was a comma splice that jumped out at me. But as I said, I literally read the book in one sitting and was so intrigued with the story - I didn't find a need to go 'Oh! Better mark that.' (Which honestly, is what I usually do) As I said earlier, the person or persons who edited this book did a phenomenal job. Maybe if I went back and reread it...slower - looking for issues, then I could find some. But my goal isn't to hunt for errors when I do reviews...if they're big enough to be seen, I'll see them. Otherwise, I just keep on reading...which is how reading ought to be done!

10) Overall Impression 10 of 10
I really liked this story. The whole time I read it, I could envision myself right there with it. I remember thinking 'Ooh, are they going to kiss? Now? Now? NOW? OH, COME ON! KISS ALREADY!' Conkle does an amazing job of drawing out the romance so that it builds to a fevered pitch which is 'resolved' ;o) at just the right time!

I could easily see this being made into a movie. Alright, so not a 'go to Cannes expecting to win the Palm d'Orr award' sort of movie (who really likes those anyway?) But a good old fashioned, grab some microwave popcorn, take off your slippers, and curl up on the couch sort of made for TV movie that will make you 'shush' people during because it's that romantic. And I'm honest to goodness NOT a 'romance movie/book' sort of gal, either! ( )
  L_Avery_Brown | Sep 3, 2013 |
This work is a well-written historical romance that pulls you in right from the start. I love the detail that the author includes of Norse lifestyle and all the characters, main or supporting, are intriguing. A worthy leading male and good story-telling make this book a must-read for lovers of Viking romances.

Net Galley Feedback
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  LibStaff2 | Jun 24, 2013 |
NORSE JEWEL by Gina Conkle is an exciting Viking/Medieval Historical Romance set in AD 1022. A quick read with engaging characters and an interesting plot. A Fresh look at the Vikings marauders and their captives. Filled with adventure,betrayal,healing,forgiveness, and the power of love with sweet romance. Join Hakan,a Viking marauder and Norse Chieftain and his Frankish captive(Thrall), Helena, on a journey of love and secrets. Some long secrets finally come to life. What happens when a heathen and a God fearing captive/maid find each other,watch out for the sparks. Very limited sexual conquest,but they do have powerful sensual tension between them,that did not bother me in the least. I thought Hakan a bit to lenient with his captive slave,Helena,considering he was reputed to be a ruthless and cold hearted raider,as compared to other slave owners. Helena basically ruled the roost,sorta of speaking. An overall good read and an author I will follow,for I would love to see what happens next in Hakan and Helena's lives and the lives of the other Norse raiders. Hakan's ,best friend,and second in command betrays him and his family. While I enjoyed this story you are left with many unanswered questions about Hakan's family,his King, and his country. I see another installment coming,or I hope so anyway. I felt the ending was a bit rushed,but an overall great read! Received for an honest review from the publisher.
REVIEWED BY: AprilR, Review courtesy of My Book Addiction and More ( )
  MyBookAddiction | Jun 22, 2013 |
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:Stolen by marauding Danes, Helena's desperate to escape their camp. Her unlikely savior comes, a fierce Viking chieftain named Hakan, who takes her to the frozen north. Hakan wants to lay down his sword and live a peaceful farmer's life. Past betrayal left him cold to love, yet the Frankish woman who keeps his longhouse thaws his icy heart.
Helena wasn't born a slave. She wants nothing more than to return home, yet her stoic master fascinates her...he's as bold as the wild northlands.
But war is brewing —a kingdom's in the balance and Hakan must take up his sword. Can the Viking warrior defend his homeland and keep the woman he loves?
"A story rich in historical detail and peopled with well-formed characters...Excellent read!"—Author Cheryl Howe
"A master at piquing the reader's interest, Gina Conkle has crafted a mesmerizing story that evokes strong emotions in readers."—4.5 star review,

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