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di Jennifer Johnson

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2011,129,493 (4.5)Nessuno
Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

How can God expect Megan McKinney to forget the past? Every day she watches women drop by the law firm to visit her boss, Justin Frasure. Even though he became a Christian three months ago, nothing's changed. Justin's just as disgusted as Megan—he's tried everything to keep his past from intruding. But, in spite of herself, when Justin joins her church and she sees his growing faith, she finds her heart softening. Can Justin wait for God to show her how much he loves her, or will his patience lead her to choose someone else?

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I really enjoyed the story line and how two very different men, and I liked both, found themselves loving one woman. And the woman, Megan McKinney wants nothing to do with a relationship with any man, because of a very bad experience with a boyfriend she had as a teen-ager. There was also the strained relationship she has with her mother and learning to ask forgiveness, even if it isn't well received. I liked the "new creation" you see in lawyer and once womanizer Justin and the real struggles he faces as he realizes how hard it is for people to see him as a changed man. A story that had me up late to see how the author would bring this "dilemma" to a conclusion. (This story would make for a great Hallmark movie!) ( )
  judyg54 | Aug 13, 2021 |
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Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

How can God expect Megan McKinney to forget the past? Every day she watches women drop by the law firm to visit her boss, Justin Frasure. Even though he became a Christian three months ago, nothing's changed. Justin's just as disgusted as Megan—he's tried everything to keep his past from intruding. But, in spite of herself, when Justin joins her church and she sees his growing faith, she finds her heart softening. Can Justin wait for God to show her how much he loves her, or will his patience lead her to choose someone else?


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