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Beyond Belief: The Secret Lives of Women in Extreme Religions (2013)

di Cami Ostman (A cura di), Susan Tive (A cura di)

Altri autori: Kyria Abrahams (Collaboratore), Huda Al-Marashi (Collaboratore), Yolande Elise Brener (Collaboratore), Carolyn Briggs (Collaboratore), Caitlin Constantine (Collaboratore)21 altro, Elise Brianne Curtin (Collaboratore), Stephanie Durden Edwards (Collaboratore), Elise Glassman (Collaboratore), Lucia Greenhouse (Collaboratore), Colleen Haggerty (Collaboratore), Pamela Helberg (Collaboratore), Melanie Hoffert (Collaboratore), Donna M. Johnson (Collaboratore), Mary Johnson (Collaboratore), Leila Khan (Collaboratore), Leah Lax (Collaboratore), Cami Ostman (Collaboratore), Grace Peterson (Collaboratore), Joshunda Victoria Sanders (Collaboratore), Julia Scheeres (Collaboratore), Erin Seaward-Hiatt (Collaboratore), Nikki Smith (Collaboratore), Valerie Tarico (Collaboratore), Elizabeth Taylor-Mead (Collaboratore), Susan Tive (Collaboratore), Naomi J. Williams (Collaboratore)

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666412,530 (3.35)1
"With stories by women from a wide range of religious communities--including Evangelical Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Calvinist, Moonie, the Unification Church, and Jehovah's Witnesses--the writers in Beyond Belief pull back a heavy curtain to reveal what they love about their lives within these communities, along with the pain that comes from the rigid expectations and diminishment of women so often built into religious orthodoxy."--Back cover.… (altro)
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As many others have already said, the premise of this book and its actual content do not align; the blurb makes it seem as though you'll read complete stories of women finding faith and losing it, along with their reasoning, and that all of the women will belong to the obviously 'extreme' religious groups. Instead, the book is a collection of stories that provide only narrow windows into the lives of the authors, many of whom belong to groups considered ordinary (and not usually extreme), like Baptists, Presbyterians, and Catholics. But the stories that you will find in these pages are fascinating, deeply personal for their authors, and thought-provoking for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone interested in religions and what attracts people to them.

( )
  hlkate | Oct 12, 2020 |
A collection of abbreviated memoirs by women in repressive religions from Jehovah's Witnesses to Orthodox Judaism, from Mormonism to Islam, who experienced an inward struggle against the beliefs and practices they had been taught but nevertheless remained--until something brought them out. Whether by some crisis or by slow erosion that led to essential loss of faith, these women came to a "worldly" perspective on their former lives and share that transformation in their stories.

Not so surprisingly, sex plays a prominent role in both the women's attraction to and their rejection of their lives in those communities.

I see this as a well-intentioned work that explores an important topic--what causes people to lose the conviction of their faith, what makes them cling to their extreme beliefs and practices despite that loss, and how they ultimately escape their spiritual captivity--but that doesn't live up to its promise. It does reveal glimpses and in some cases much more than glimpses of life for women and young girls inside "extreme" religious sects. But it doesn't show much about why they joined or why they submitted and stayed, nor much about how they got out. Several of these stories are clearly (from a compositional perspective) fragments that set up an "and then what?" expectation but don't tell us what happened next.

It's a worthy idea that merits further exploration and discovery, but to me this collection doesn't satisfy. ( )
  Meredy | Jul 4, 2018 |
This is an astonishing and beautiful book. Each story opens a window into the world of extreme religion, showing what attracts women to it, why they stay, and what motivates them to leave.

Given the range of faiths that's covered, it's surprising how much the women have in common. What's also beautiful is their honesty in telling about their experiences. This is not an anti-religion book, but rather an honest look behind the scenes.

Some of the authors have written longer memoirs about their experiences, and some have works in progress. I'm dying to read more. ( )
  keneumey | Jun 4, 2014 |
Recommended if you're curious about growing up religious, why people become religious, and how their religion guides their daily lives. Other religion memoirs:
Unorthodox / Feldman (Judaism)
Why be happy when you could be normal / Winterson (Pentecostalism)
Confessions of a latter-day virgin / Hardy (Mormonism)
The witness wore red / Musser (Fundamentalist Mormonism)
Escape / Jessop (Fundamentalist Mormonism)
I am Nujood, age 10 & divorced / Ali (Islam)
I am Malala / Yousafzai (Islam)
  NBKREF | Feb 20, 2014 |
Not quite what I was expecting. This book contains small vignettes of women in various religious groups. While I found the experiences interesting, some organization/structure with some commentary would have been more insightful. ( )
  4leschats | Oct 16, 2013 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Ostman, CamiA cura diautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Tive, SusanA cura diautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Abrahams, KyriaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Al-Marashi, HudaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Brener, Yolande EliseCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Briggs, CarolynCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Constantine, CaitlinCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Curtin, Elise BrianneCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Edwards, Stephanie DurdenCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Glassman, EliseCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Greenhouse, LuciaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Haggerty, ColleenCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Helberg, PamelaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Hoffert, MelanieCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Johnson, Donna M.Collaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Johnson, MaryCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Khan, LeilaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Lax, LeahCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Ostman, CamiCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Peterson, GraceCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Sanders, Joshunda VictoriaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Scheeres, JuliaCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Seaward-Hiatt, ErinCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Smith, NikkiCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Tarico, ValerieCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Taylor-Mead, ElizabethCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Tive, SusanCollaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Williams, Naomi J.Collaboratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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To all who have trusted me with their stories and listened to mine in return.
To my parents, who taught me that good conversation is more important than table manners.
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"With stories by women from a wide range of religious communities--including Evangelical Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Calvinist, Moonie, the Unification Church, and Jehovah's Witnesses--the writers in Beyond Belief pull back a heavy curtain to reveal what they love about their lives within these communities, along with the pain that comes from the rigid expectations and diminishment of women so often built into religious orthodoxy."--Back cover.

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