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Doug and Carlie

di Lisa Smartt

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Carlie Ann Davidson only has $167.29 in the bank. Shes 10 years late on college and 37 lbs. over the ideal weight chart. When shes not in her college classes, shes stocking shelves at the Dollar General Store in Commerce, Georgia, and wondering why SO many people eat pork n beans. But Carlie has dreams, dreams of love and literary success. With the humorous and engaging backdrop of small town characters and culture, Carlie realizes shes not a loser at all. Just a late bloomer. The good news? Sometimes there are rewards for late bloomers.… (altro)
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I loved this book! This is the 1st book I have read in the new year that I truly enjoyed. I love reading romances but most can be cheesy and predictable. None I have ever read were this laugh-out-loud funny! I enjoyed that for a change. While the ending was a bit predictable, the road getting there certainly wasn't. I don't often write reviews but when I read a book I enjoy this much, I'm excited to share that. Can't wait to read the next in the series. ( )
  DanHelfer | Dec 29, 2022 |
This is a very simple read. Carlie strikes me as a woman who has taken more time than the average person to "find" herself. She graduates college at the age of 32, a decade later than most people. Some would label her as a loser, but I tend to think that she just needed time to grow up.

Meeting Doug really throws her into a spin. She can't believe that he could possibly be that interested in her. Through an exchange of letters/emails, they kinda bare their souls. They joke and use sarcasm, and they have no shame in it whatsoever. It's just electronic pillow-talk. But the actual face-to-face meeting forces them to realize that this friendship needs to be more than platonic. They have feelings and they need to own up to it.

Along this journey, they discover their own dreams that test their relationship. It's hard. It's not pretty. It feels awful at times. Lonely even. Frustrating. Maddening. But that is the way of things when your relationship goes off in two vastly different directions. Breaking up is hard to do, but the end result is satisfying for both of them.

As nice as the story is, I really don't feel a strong need to keep it. But it was a nice read. ( )
  caslater83 | Apr 23, 2017 |
Emotional Ride!

This is the first book I have read by author Lisa Smartt. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading this book. I will be perfectly honest. I decided after reading about Doug & Carlie’s face to face meeting I would call it quits. I was thinking this book just isn’t for me. Well...something happened that changed my mind and I just had to keep reading. Not only did I enjoy this book, I so badly wanted to read the last page to see what happened.

I enjoyed the humor, their dating, emailing, and their telephone conversations. I enjoyed the authors descriptions of small town living, family, and friends. I could just picture myself sitting on the front porch of any house in Sharon, Tennessee.

This book also made me cry in several places. It is about life and bad things happen in life as well as good things.

I hope to read more books by this author.

I won this book on Goodreads and boy am I glad I did!

It is definitely a five star book. ( )
  passionforbooks | Sep 9, 2014 |
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Carlie Ann Davidson only has $167.29 in the bank. Shes 10 years late on college and 37 lbs. over the ideal weight chart. When shes not in her college classes, shes stocking shelves at the Dollar General Store in Commerce, Georgia, and wondering why SO many people eat pork n beans. But Carlie has dreams, dreams of love and literary success. With the humorous and engaging backdrop of small town characters and culture, Carlie realizes shes not a loser at all. Just a late bloomer. The good news? Sometimes there are rewards for late bloomers.

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