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Veronica Britton: Chronic Detective

di N.P. Boyce

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A Victorian private detective, Veronica Britton, specialises in tricky situations that occur in time as well as space. Working alongside her young apprentice Gabrielle Pendleton, she's very much in demand. Time travel is an open secret in the city; it operates under the supervision of the Ministry, an obscure branch of the British government. Recently they have started to follow Veronica even though she does her best to avoid them. Soon Veronica uncovers a series of mysteries, and a fiendish plot that threatens not just the city, but the whole world.… (altro)
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Perhaps my brain just can't process complicated plots at the moment, but this is the second novel in a row for me where nothing made sense. The first few chapters, introducing 'chronic' (time) detective Veronica Britton, were promising. I liked the historical angle with a steampunk vibe, even though I could never quite get the time periods straight. Then about three different subplots kicked off, which could have done with being expanded in separate novels, and I completely lost the thread of what was happening. Everything came together in the end, in the cyclical fashion of time travel fiction, but by that point I was only interested in reaching the end. Instead of trying to emulate the 'breathless' (ie, melodramatic) style of Wilkie Collins, as he stated in one interview, Boyce would have done better trying to develop his characters to the same strength of his world-building, rather than launching into the action and expecting his readers to care enough to keep pace. ( )
  AdonisGuilfoyle | Apr 23, 2013 |
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A Victorian private detective, Veronica Britton, specialises in tricky situations that occur in time as well as space. Working alongside her young apprentice Gabrielle Pendleton, she's very much in demand. Time travel is an open secret in the city; it operates under the supervision of the Ministry, an obscure branch of the British government. Recently they have started to follow Veronica even though she does her best to avoid them. Soon Veronica uncovers a series of mysteries, and a fiendish plot that threatens not just the city, but the whole world.

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