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Inside Passage (Corey Logan)

di Burt Weissbourd

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832,218,066 (4.63)Nessuno
Corey Logan was set up. She knows Nick Season's terrible secret. Coming home from prison, all Corey wants is to be with her son. To get him back, she needs to make a good impression on the psychiatrist evaluating her. But Dr. Abe Stein doesn't believe she was framed -- until his well-heeled mother falls for the charming state attorney general candidate, Nick Season. As the dogs of war are unleashed, Corey and her son run for their lives, taking her boat up the Pacific Northwest's remote Inside Passage.Inside Passage is the first in Weissbourd's haunting, heart-stirringCorey Logan trilogy.… (altro)
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In Inside Passage, book one of A Corey Logan Trilogy, author Burt Weissbourd takes the reader behind the scenes of a riveting thriller as single mom Corey Logan engages in a dangerous cat-n-mouse game with a ruthless and powerful man from her past, who is determined to permanently silence her.

Inside Passage is a riveting thriller that easily draws the reader in from the start. The author provides the reader with a fascinating, multi-layered, and richly detailed story set in panoramic Seattle and the Pacific Northwest Inside Passage. This exciting story takes the reader on an exhilarating roller coaster ride as Corey engages in a very dangerous cat-n-mouse game with Nick Season, a very powerful and ruthless man from her past, who is determined to stop at nothing to silence Corey permanently before she shares his dark secret from the past, and ruins his chance of being elected State Attorney General. When Corey comes face-to-face with Nick's attempt to silence her through his henchmen, Corey and her fifteen year old son Billy run for their lives sailing up the Pacific Northwest Inside Passage, but she didn't realize that her psychiatrist Dr. Abe Stein has other plans, he is determined to help Corey overcome her past and rebuild her relationship with her son.

There is enough drama, secrets, deception, tension, humor, and surprising twists and turns that definitely will keep the reader sitting on the edge of their seat, and guessing how this story will turn out. I loved the drama and budding relationship that Corey and Abe shared, it was a great way of interweaving the tension and drama of teaming up together to confront Corey's past, with a touch of unexpected romance added into the mix.

Inside Passage is a well-written, fast paced story that left me interested in finding out what Corey's next adventure will be in Teaser, the second book in the trilogy. ( )
  JerseyGirlBookReview | Nov 19, 2020 |
A new author for me. I would certainly look for other books by him. I wasn't sure at the beginning where it was leading. However, it really got me involved. I know it was a novel, but it seemed so possible that It really kept me on edge. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out until the very end. ( )
  JudithBoyle | May 29, 2014 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
Outstanding book! I actually received an advanced copy of this book and was a bit hesitant as I had never heard of the author before. Within 10 pages I was hooked and it stayed extremely strong throughout. I haven't rated many books a full 5 stars in my list, but I really feel this one deserves all five. The pace of the story was excellent. Characters were well developed and believable. I will be on the lookout for more books by Mr. Weissbourd. ( )
  bwkramer | Mar 5, 2014 |
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Corey Logan was set up. She knows Nick Season's terrible secret. Coming home from prison, all Corey wants is to be with her son. To get him back, she needs to make a good impression on the psychiatrist evaluating her. But Dr. Abe Stein doesn't believe she was framed -- until his well-heeled mother falls for the charming state attorney general candidate, Nick Season. As the dogs of war are unleashed, Corey and her son run for their lives, taking her boat up the Pacific Northwest's remote Inside Passage.Inside Passage is the first in Weissbourd's haunting, heart-stirringCorey Logan trilogy.

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5 3

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