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Paesaggio e memoria (1995)

di Simon Schama

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

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1,6481310,943 (4.07)56
Opening a radically new and original path into history, Simon Schama explores the scenery of our Western culture, both real landscapes and landscapes of the mind that have given us our sense of homeland, the dark woods of our imagined origins. What unfolds is a series of compelling journeys through space and time: from the ancient woodland of Poland, a symbol over the centuries of national endurance, through the forest birthplace of the German psyche, to the Big Trees of Yosemite that gave a new nation its holy past. Through all of history, from pre-classical antiquity to the Third Reich and beyond, Schama uncovers the myths and memories that have stamped themselves on our most basic social instincts and institutions: territorial identity, the wild and domestic, mortality and immortality.… (altro)
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Late Night Live 27:07:23 An early book written while teaching Environment History Now Professor of Art History and History at Columbia University.
  BJMacauley | Jul 30, 2023 |
Loved this book!
  Pat_Gibson | Jun 8, 2019 |
Got it. Finally. Took me one and a half years to read that fucker! Actually, I stopped after the most - and only - relevant part, the one about ROCK, leaving the summary part out.
Doesn't make for smooth bedside reading... My eyes would capitulate after a couple of pages.
It is highly interesting and Schama tries hard to make the reading entertaining, but it remains scientific and in parts highly speculative. His line of reasoning is not always easy to follow and I couldn't always detect a red line between the places that he presents and how they are perceived and how they mirror the society of a certain time.
Lastly, some contents have been put in quite arbitrarily - at least that's what it seems to me.
  Kindlegohome | Jul 9, 2015 |
I find this a hard book to finish. It is one of those books it seems difficult to get into although the material is interesting and the thought good. ( )
  JayLivernois | May 13, 2010 |
This book is a fascinating treatise on the role nature (specifically wood, water, and rock) has played in Western culture. Art and history professor at Columbia University, Schama considered this the one book he needed to write. He expertly touches on so many examples of our environment's influence on our collective memory that the book is difficult to describe- everything from Hitler's obsession with the forests of Europe and the battles fought to get Susan B. Anthony on Mount Rushmore, to Western lust for Egyptian obelisks and dance parties held on the massive stumps of California Sequoias in the mid-nineteenth century. This work is also, with its classical layout and type font and its many excellent illustrations, one of the most beautifully designed books I've ever seen. Highly recommended. ( )
6 vota bibliothecarivs | Mar 6, 2010 |
In various cultures, both classic and contemporary, the author studies myths and how they relate to landscapes. Repeatedly, the subject of an idyllic, pastoral place, an Arcadia, arises. In the last chapter, he focuses briefly on Central Park, praising its designer, Frederick Law Olmsted, for his vision of a heroic urban Arcadia. For Mr. Schama, Central Park seems to encapsulate the double-sided nature of the Arcadian concept. The dreamlike version is, he said, "a place of effortless bucolic sweetness, where you can lie on your back and smell the grass while there's a faint noise of people hitting balls with bats." The nightmare version is "a slightly scary, sinister, dense place of sex and death."
aggiunto da John_Vaughan | modificaNY Times, MEL GUSSOW (Jul 27, 1995)

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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Schama, Simonautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Santen, Karina vanTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Vosmaer, MartineTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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It is in vain to dream of a wildness distant from ourselves.  There is none such.  It is the bog in our brains and bowels, the primitive vigor of Nature in us, that inspires that dream.  I shall never find in the wilds of Labrador any greater wildness than in some recess of Concord, i.e., than I import into it.
Henry David Thoreau, Journal, August 30, 1856
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Opening a radically new and original path into history, Simon Schama explores the scenery of our Western culture, both real landscapes and landscapes of the mind that have given us our sense of homeland, the dark woods of our imagined origins. What unfolds is a series of compelling journeys through space and time: from the ancient woodland of Poland, a symbol over the centuries of national endurance, through the forest birthplace of the German psyche, to the Big Trees of Yosemite that gave a new nation its holy past. Through all of history, from pre-classical antiquity to the Third Reich and beyond, Schama uncovers the myths and memories that have stamped themselves on our most basic social instincts and institutions: territorial identity, the wild and domestic, mortality and immortality.

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