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Inheritance di Malinda Lo
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Inheritance (edizione 2014)

di Malinda Lo

Serie: Adaptation (2)

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22010127,337 (3.47)1
When teens Reese and David are kidnapped after revealing that they were adapted with alien DNA, Reese is forced to reconcile her new love for David, a human, with feelings for Amber, an Imrian, and make a world-changing choice.
Autori:Malinda Lo
Info:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (2014), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 480 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Inheritance di Malinda Lo

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A solid sequel and conclusion to Adaptation. It's not quite as action-packed, but it flowed very well. I liked the progression of character/relationship development and how Reese dealt with big world-changing issues along with normal teenager issues. Sometimes the love triangle made me roll my eyes, but the solution and how the characters got there was satisfying. ( )
  hissingpotatoes | Dec 28, 2021 |
I mean... It was alright, but not at all what I expected. I thought that there would be more action and conspiracy. But 80% of the book was about teenage drama and Reese not being able to choose between Amber and David. I actually quite enjoyed this aspect of the book. The characters were interesting to follow and I will always remember them as my dumb babies. I'm kinda glad I finished this series. ( )
  margaretkwon | Oct 24, 2020 |
I am so pleased with the unconventional resolution of the love triangle. I think this book also worked better for me than the first one in the series because the aliens reveal irritated me there, but by the time I began reading this book I'd reconciled myself to it. This book is really an unfolding of the problems set up in the first one. ( )
  elenaj | Jul 31, 2020 |
This is the sequel to Adaptation. The book where David, Reese, and Amber were introduced. We pick up in this book just where Adaptation ended. David and Reese trying to tell the world what happened to them, how they're changed. It doesn't go well.

Actually a whole lot of things don't go very well for any of the three teens in this book. It starts with the impromptu press conference cut short by Men in Black, then there's lots of questions asked about everything in the narrative, and we the reader get a lot of the answers that we were asking after the first book. About the Imria, and the government, not to mention everything in between and there are a ton of greys in between the two sides.

We also get to meet more Imrians other than Dr. Brand and Amber. Their spokesman, a liason, and my favorite Imrian character, Eres, a teacher (or Ummi in the Imria language) that winds up working with both David and Reese to see if they can get control of their adaptations.

Unfortunately there were some parts of the story I didn't like also. I still can't stand David, and Reese still got on my nerves half the time. I still think that Julian is the best character in the story, and Amber grew on me a lot (in a good way) in this book.

I also thought that the book was too mainstream teen. What I liked about Lo's other books, Ash and Huntress was that while they were very obviously sold towards teens they didn't seem like prototypical teen books. There was a depth to them that is usually seen in the adult books of the genre. In Inheritance it all just seemed forced and just so teen angsty. And don't get me started on the David/Reese/Amber stuff. I think I get what Lo was trying to go for, but every scene which touched on that love triangle I had to grit my teeth through. and while I didn't hate the ending, it also didn't seem to mesh with the rest of the book. I liked the first book in this series a lot. I just wish that I'd liked the second book as much. ( )
  DanieXJ | Jun 23, 2017 |
Fantastic story, great characters

A wonderful story, full of twists and turns and lots and lots of sweetness. Amber Gray is one of my favorite characters in a long while, and Reese isn't far behind. ( )
  Zensunni42 | Nov 15, 2016 |
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We care not how trifling a character may be -- let it be the mere inflection of the angle of the jaw, the manner in which an insect's wing is folded, whether the skin be covered by hair or feathers -- if it prevail throughout many and different species, especially those having very different habits of life, it assumes high value; for we can account for its presence in so many forms with such different habits, only by inheritance from a common parent.

--Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species
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To my parents, from whom I inherited the ability to think for myself
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The triangular spaceship hovered motionless in the sky above Reese Holloway's house, as inscrutable as a black hole.
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When teens Reese and David are kidnapped after revealing that they were adapted with alien DNA, Reese is forced to reconcile her new love for David, a human, with feelings for Amber, an Imrian, and make a world-changing choice.

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