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Forever Will You Suffer

di Gary Frank

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Unsuspecting Rick Summers had simply gone to the cemetery to visit the graves of his mother and sister, killed in a car accident years earlier. He had the cabbie wait for him. But when he got back into the taxi, he didn’t have the same driver. His new chauffeur was a re-animated corpse. And he was about to take a drive into hell. The doors to hell open in the house of his ex-lover, Katarina, where he is delivered by his not-so-sweet smelling driver. Rick learns that Katarina is missing and has been recently plagued by a stalker. That’s just the beginning of the bad news. When the house changes right before their unbelieving eyes, taking them somewhen and somewhere else, a horrifying mystery begins to unfold. At its heart is unrequited love. And Rick Summers. It seems that several lifetimes ago, Rick, then Thomas, spurned a woman named Abigail. Not a good idea. Because Abigail’s great at holding a grudge, some of her best friends are demons, and she’s dedicated to keeping a promise she made to Rick long, long ago. #147;Forever will I remember; forever will you suffer.”… (altro)
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Unsuspecting Rick Summers had simply gone to the cemetery to visit the graves of his mother and sister, killed in a car accident years earlier. He had the cabbie wait for him. But when he got back into the taxi, he didnt have the same driver. His new chauffeur was a re-animated corpse. And he was about to take a drive into hell.The doors to hell open in the house of his ex-lover, Katarina, where he is delivered by his not-so-sweet smelling driver. Rick learns that Katarina is missing and has been recently plagued by a stalker. Thats just the beginning of the bad news. When the house changes right before their unbelieving eyes, taking them somewhen and somewhere else, a horrifying mystery begins to unfold. At its heart is unrequited love. And Rick Summers.It seems that several lifetimes ago, Rick, then Thomas, spurned a woman named Abigail. Not a good idea. Because Abigails great at holding a grudge, some of her best friends are demons, and shes dedicated to keeping a promise she made to Rick long, long ago. Forever will I remember; forever will you suffer
  tanthonyam | Mar 27, 2007 |
What a good read and great book. I truly enjoyed reading this book, it give a breath of fresh air to the horror genre. Gary, has done an excellent job of telling the story of a centuries old promise of “Forever you will suffer.”

The book starts out with Rich Summers going to the cemetery to visit his mothers and sisters graves. When he returns to the cab that has been waiting for him. He notices an awful smell. The cab starts driving away and there is thump under the car. Rich looks out the back window to notice the original driver dead in the road.
He is dropped off at a old girlfriends house only to find out she is in hiding because of stalker. This is where the roller coaster ride starts and you will not want to put this book down. Who is who and what is what. This is how you will go through in the book. It keeps you wanting to turn the pages to find out what is next. You will never know how this book is going to end until you turn the last page.

This kind of writing is what will make Gary Frank a best selling author. 4 Stars - Michael Timlin, Authors on the Rise Book Reviews ( )
  authorsontherise | Dec 7, 2007 |
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Unsuspecting Rick Summers had simply gone to the cemetery to visit the graves of his mother and sister, killed in a car accident years earlier. He had the cabbie wait for him. But when he got back into the taxi, he didn’t have the same driver. His new chauffeur was a re-animated corpse. And he was about to take a drive into hell. The doors to hell open in the house of his ex-lover, Katarina, where he is delivered by his not-so-sweet smelling driver. Rick learns that Katarina is missing and has been recently plagued by a stalker. That’s just the beginning of the bad news. When the house changes right before their unbelieving eyes, taking them somewhen and somewhere else, a horrifying mystery begins to unfold. At its heart is unrequited love. And Rick Summers. It seems that several lifetimes ago, Rick, then Thomas, spurned a woman named Abigail. Not a good idea. Because Abigail’s great at holding a grudge, some of her best friends are demons, and she’s dedicated to keeping a promise she made to Rick long, long ago. #147;Forever will I remember; forever will you suffer.”

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