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Ivan's Great Fall: Poetry for Summer and Autumn from Great Poets and Writers of the Past

di Vanita Oelschlager

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An introduction to great poets and writers for children, this book tells the story of a young boy's summer and autumn.
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There are several reasons that I liked this book. The first thing that grabbed me was the illustrations. When you turn to the first page there is this big picture a boy with bright eyes staring right at you. The illustrations in this book draw you in because the pictures are inviting and captivating. Another reason I like book is that the author used different excerpts from other poets poems to create this poem. For instance the mention of Casey at the bat. All the excerpts from different poems are written in orange. The big idea of this poem is Ivan enjoying all the wonders of summer that lead up to fall, which always comes. ( )
  vbarbe1 | Mar 31, 2014 |
I read Ivan's Great fall, in exchange for review from
The book was presented in poetry, rhyming format. The book was illustrated by Kristin Blackwood. I loved the graphics, once again. The book showed Ivan moving from playing in the summer to heading to school in the fall. The book also provided classic poems at the end of the book, such as Casey at the Bat.
  staciewyatt | Jan 21, 2013 |
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An introduction to great poets and writers for children, this book tells the story of a young boy's summer and autumn.

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Riassunto haiku

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Vanita Oelschlager è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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