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Back to the Garden

di Erica Obey

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When Laura Converse goes to Woodstock to ghost-write a memoir for a name-dropping psychic, she never expects to be mistaken for a long-vanished singer. But she quickly finds herself trying to convince everyone in this New Age Mecca that she has not been sent by supernatural forces in order to solve a twenty-five-year-old murder. And that is hardly likely to prove more difficult than convincing herself that she's not about to fall for a distractingly attractive gardener, who just might be a warlock -- or a murderer. ...Back to the Garden is a tantalizing off-beat mystery, in which Romancing the Stone meets the Woodstock Nation -- with a touch of Wicca spicing the brew.… (altro)
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I received this book for free through the Goodreads First Reads program.

Right, I could not finish this book. When reading a book becomes more like a chore I dread doing, I have to stop unfortunately or I'd never end up reading any other book until I finished this one.

I just found the pacing to be a bit too slow for my liking, and I just felt confused about who's who in the book. Laura felt more like a male character than a female character...I don't know, it just felt all wrong to me.

However, this could just be me. I'd recommend others to read it because they may end up liking it. ( )
  khal_khaleesi | Nov 16, 2019 |
I would characterize this book as a supernatural mystery. The story takes place in Woodstock NY the location of the rock concert of the same name. It revolves around the death of a female rock star many years ago. The main character has been asked to go there to write a biography of a lady psychic who lives there. It seems that the writer bears a striking resemblance to the dead rock star. While there she gets caught up in the ladies death putting her own life in jeopardy. This will really appeal to anyone who is captivated by the whole sex, drugs and rock and roll culture of the 60's and 70's. I am and I liked it. ( )
  muddyboy | Jan 17, 2013 |
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When Laura Converse goes to Woodstock to ghost-write a memoir for a name-dropping psychic, she never expects to be mistaken for a long-vanished singer. But she quickly finds herself trying to convince everyone in this New Age Mecca that she has not been sent by supernatural forces in order to solve a twenty-five-year-old murder. And that is hardly likely to prove more difficult than convincing herself that she's not about to fall for a distractingly attractive gardener, who just might be a warlock -- or a murderer. ...Back to the Garden is a tantalizing off-beat mystery, in which Romancing the Stone meets the Woodstock Nation -- with a touch of Wicca spicing the brew.

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