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Dead Lions (Slough House, #2) di Mick Herron
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Dead Lions (Slough House, #2) (edizione 2015)

di Mick Herron

Serie: Slough House (2)

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1,0625920,074 (3.95)90
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

The CWA Gold Dagger Award-winning British espionage novel about disgraced MI5 agents who inadvertently uncover a deadly Cold War-era legacy of sleeper cells and mythic super spies. 
The disgruntled agents of Slough House, the MI5 branch where washed-up spies are sent to finish their failed careers on desk duty, are called into action to protect a visiting Russian oligarch whom MI5 hopes to recruit to British intelligence. While two agents are dispatched on that babysitting job, though, an old Cold War-era spy named Dickie Bow is found dead, ostensibly of a heart attack, on a bus outside of Oxford, far from his usual haunts. 
But the head of Slough House, the irascible Jackson Lamb, is convinced Dickie Bow was murdered. As the agents dig into their fallen comrade's circumstances, they uncover a shadowy tangle of ancient Cold War secrets that seem to lead back to a man named Alexander Popov, who is either a Soviet bogeyman or the most dangerous man in the world. How many more people will have to die to keep those secrets buried?

.… (altro)
Titolo:Dead Lions (Slough House, #2)
Autori:Mick Herron
Info:John Murray, Kindle Edition, 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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Dead Lions di Mick Herron

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1-5 di 59 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Author is winner of multiple awards for the Slough House Novels series. Features washed-up MI 5 spies trying to redeem their careers.
  MBPortlandLibrary | Sep 11, 2024 |
Slow and complicated but I think better than the first. Lamb is still an annoying character to read, but at least here we're getting some insight into the way he thinks. Very clever plotting with many RedHerrings along the way. It doesn't feature internal politics so much, and the events are perhaps more linear than the first book.

An old Berlin hand turns up dead in an unusual spot. The Slow Horses investigate who he might have been involved with. The links go back to before the Berlin Wall came down and the old USSR days. But convincing anybody of the importance is a different matter entirely. ( )
  reading_fox | Aug 2, 2024 |
great addition to the series. I'm really enjoying these crazy characters and the twists and turns. Go Lamb! ( )
  majkia | May 5, 2024 |
This is your classic slow burner of a book, please don't get me wrong in no way is the book boring. Clever engaging and interesting from the start, but about half way through I could not turn the pages quick enough, as the mystery suspense and tension ratcheted up. Quality writing and superb characterisation throughout.
Completely and utterly recommended. ( )
  Gudasnu | Apr 30, 2024 |
2. del af Slagteheste. Igen en fantastisk spionhistorie med referencer til gamle sovjetagenter. Persongalleriet er i top. Oplagt til fans af Le Carre. ( )
  msc | Mar 7, 2024 |
In the opening chapter of Herron’s funny, clever sequel to 2010’s Slow Horses (2010), low-level British spy, Dickie Bow, dies on a bus to Oxford of apparently natural causes. To Jackson Lamb, the thoroughly unlikable head of Slough House (“the spooks’ equivalent of Devil’s Island,” to which disgraced or out-of-favor British spies are exiled), Bow’s death plus a cryptic, unsent text keyed into his cellphone (the single word “cicadas”) suggest Russian intrigue, perhaps tied to a long-dormant, possibly mythical, spy named Alexander Popov. Meanwhile, two Slough House operatives are seconded to the job of protecting a Russian billionaire, Arkady Pashkin, in London for a nebulous meeting. The complex plot drags a bit in the middle, as Herron gets quite a number of balls in the air, but once he does, the narrative picks up real steam and becomes genuinely thrilling. The novel is equally noteworthy for its often lyrical prose.
aggiunto da VivienneR | modificaPublisher's Weekly, a (Feb 1, 2013)

» Aggiungi altri autori (14 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Herron, Mickautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Agro, JanineDesignerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Clark, LornaImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Doyle, GerardNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Healy, MichaelNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Iacobelli, JamesProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Molegraaf, MarioTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:

The CWA Gold Dagger Award-winning British espionage novel about disgraced MI5 agents who inadvertently uncover a deadly Cold War-era legacy of sleeper cells and mythic super spies. 
The disgruntled agents of Slough House, the MI5 branch where washed-up spies are sent to finish their failed careers on desk duty, are called into action to protect a visiting Russian oligarch whom MI5 hopes to recruit to British intelligence. While two agents are dispatched on that babysitting job, though, an old Cold War-era spy named Dickie Bow is found dead, ostensibly of a heart attack, on a bus outside of Oxford, far from his usual haunts. 
But the head of Slough House, the irascible Jackson Lamb, is convinced Dickie Bow was murdered. As the agents dig into their fallen comrade's circumstances, they uncover a shadowy tangle of ancient Cold War secrets that seem to lead back to a man named Alexander Popov, who is either a Soviet bogeyman or the most dangerous man in the world. How many more people will have to die to keep those secrets buried?


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