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Crane Crossing

di Mark Dubowski

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Join the Thornberry family as they help lead a flock of endangered, pen-raised whooping cranes north for the spring. The long trip from Texas to Canada starts out well, but the youngest crane seems upset. After talking to the bird, Eliza realizes that the little crane, called Maggie, is homesick. Eliza is not only surprised by this, but wonders what home means to her, since Eliza's home is mostly on the road. When Maggie is chased away from the flock by an angry eagle, Eliza and Darwin set out to find her, and run into some trouble of their own. Will they all return safe and sound? Here's another exciting adventure with The Wild Thornberrys to remind us that home is truly where the heart is.… (altro)
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Join the Thornberry family as they help lead a flock of endangered, pen-raised whooping cranes north for the spring. The long trip from Texas to Canada starts out well, but the youngest crane seems upset. After talking to the bird, Eliza realizes that the little crane, called Maggie, is homesick. Eliza is not only surprised by this, but wonders what home means to her, since Eliza's home is mostly on the road. When Maggie is chased away from the flock by an angry eagle, Eliza and Darwin set out to find her, and run into some trouble of their own. Will they all return safe and sound? Here's another exciting adventure with The Wild Thornberrys to remind us that home is truly where the heart is.

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