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The Runaway King: Book 2 of the Ascendance…
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The Runaway King: Book 2 of the Ascendance Trilogy (originale 2013; edizione 2013)

di Jennifer A. Nielsen

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1,3326514,862 (3.99)25
Young King Jaron has taken the throne of Carthya, but after enemies attempt to assassinate him, and a neighboring kingdom threatens invasion, he finds that he has no friends in the palace, not even his bride-to-be, princess Amarinda--and his regents think it would be better for Carthya if he just disappeared again.… (altro)
Titolo:The Runaway King: Book 2 of the Ascendance Trilogy
Autori:Jennifer A. Nielsen
Info:Scholastic Press (2013), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 352 pages
Collezioni:New Books 2013

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The Runaway King di Jennifer A. Nielsen (2013)

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This book drove me a little crazy. The first book was so good but this one fell short. It was all over the place. The plot didn't always make sense. My suspension of disbelief was pushed to the limits. Plus, the main character drove me a tiny bit crazy. I still mostly enjoyed it but can't help but be disappointed that it was nowhere near as good as the first one. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
Okay that was disappointing. I'd been looking forward to see the series continue, but the first chapter again felt reminiscent of a scene in the Attolia series, and then promptly the plot got very silly. It's massively contrived for the pirates to give the king ten days to surrender himself(?!) instead of simply killing him when they demonstrably have the opportunity. And he then falls into the idiot trap of sending away the person he loves For Her Safety without telling her why; and similarly fails spectacularly to communicate with his betrothed, or with anyone else for that matter. And the scheme the council comes up with is ??? and his response to it is !!! --Okay, that part's in character at least I guess but not the part of his character I'd expected or wanted this book to be about. I stuck with it for a little more but grew more and more bored with his escapades until I decided to just leave him to it. ( )
  zeborah | Dec 30, 2022 |
4.5 stars!

(Random fact: Did you know that this book was originally going to be called The Pirate King?)

I loved this book nearly as much as TFP! I'm definitely going to finish the series, my biggest complaint is just that it felt a little dragged out throughout. It's not that I don't appreciate the action (I really, really do), but I was surprised that the entire book took place in the span of only two weeks! I know book 1 was like that too but that one didn't feel dragged out at all.

But other than that, I really enjoyed this one! It's full of action, pirates, swordplay, and traitorsssss! See how Jaron gets out of this one! ( )
  BooksbyStarlight | Oct 25, 2022 |
Book two in the series is pretty amazing. Even though I didn't love it quite as much as the first book, I still love it! I loved the danger and plot, and also....
..that there we pirates. ( )
  MollyGroff | May 22, 2022 |
I didn't love this as much as the first one, I have to admit. The adventure was solid, but the terse writing style kept throwing me off and I felt like it was all just a little too easy. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Young King Jaron has taken the throne of Carthya, but after enemies attempt to assassinate him, and a neighboring kingdom threatens invasion, he finds that he has no friends in the palace, not even his bride-to-be, princess Amarinda--and his regents think it would be better for Carthya if he just disappeared again.

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