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A Darkness Strange and Lovely (Something…
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A Darkness Strange and Lovely (Something Strange and Deadly Trilogy, 2) (edizione 2017)

di Susan Dennard (Autore)

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3062087,689 (3.81)2
Romance. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Perfect for fans of Libba Bray's The Diviners and Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices series, this spellbinding sequel to Something Strange and Deadly delivers a mix of supernatural forces and intense romance, set against the enchanting backdrop of nineteenth-century Paris.

With her brother dead and her mother insane, Eleanor Fitt is alone. Even the Spirit-Hunters--Joseph, Jie, and the handsome Daniel--have fled to Paris. So when Eleanor hears the vicious barking of hounds and sees haunting yellow eyes, she fears that the Dead, and the necromancer Marcus, are after her.

To escape, Eleanor boards a steamer bound for France. There she meets Oliver, a young man who claims to have known her brother. But Oliver harbors a dangerous secret involving necromancy and black magic that entices Eleanor beyond words. If she can resist him, she'll be fine. But when she arrives in Paris, she finds that the Dead have taken over, and there's a whole new evil lurking. And she is forced to make a deadly decision that will go against everything the Spirit-Hunters stand for.

In Paris, there's a price for this darkness strange and lovely, and it may have Eleanor paying with her life.

… (altro)
Titolo:A Darkness Strange and Lovely (Something Strange and Deadly Trilogy, 2)
Autori:Susan Dennard (Autore)
Info:HarperTeen (2017), Edition: Revised, 432 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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A Darkness Strange and Lovely di Susan Dennard

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» Vedi le 2 citazioni

A very good follow up to the first book in this series. I loved the change of setting and also the character development. I loved the new characters that we met an where the plot went. Excited for the final book in this series.
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
A very good follow up to the first book in this series. I loved the change of setting and also the character development. I loved the new characters that we met an where the plot went. Excited for the final book in this series.
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
3.5 stars. I did enjoy this book, however not as much as the first one. Eleanor in this book kept making such stupid decisions I got so annoyed with her. I understand she has this internal struggle she fighting but does she really have to make all these dumb decisions. Oliver's character I was sure if I could trust him at first but then by the end I starting warming up to him. I still don't trust him 100%, I think there may be things he's still hiding but I trust him a little more than I did at the beginning of the book. Like the 1st book, this one is a bit predictable but there is a twist in the end that's interesting and I want to see how it will play out in the 3rd book. For me, some parts in the middle were slow and not interesting but overall the pace wasn't bad. Overall I enjoyed this book but I think the first was better. ( )
  VanessaMarieBooks | Dec 10, 2023 |
Eleanor Fitt. Miss Fitt. Misfit.

Eleanor returns in book 2 of the Something Strange and Deadly series. Her brother is dead. Her mother, who has gone insane, disowns her. The Spirit-Hunters are in Paris. So when Hell Hounds begin pursuing her, Eleanor is alone. Thinking the Necromancer Marcus is after her, she flees to Paris to join the Spirit-Hunters there. On the ship to France, she meets up with a friend of her brother's who has a secret that will completely change Eleanor's life.

I enjoyed this second book. There was a slight change in Eleanor from book 1 that I didn't expect. In book 2, Eleanor seems weak at times. In the first book, she was strong, independent and courageous in the face of danger. In book 2, she seemed weaker and more prone to be overly emotional in situations where quick action was required. I would have liked to have seen more of the strength Eleanor displayed in the first story. But, with Hell Hounds, an insane mother, losing nearly everything she owns, and seeing so much death, I can understand why Eleanor might be weaker. Maybe she had just seen or experienced too much. I hope her strength and determination returns to the forefront in Book 3!

I was a bit surprised that the main villain, Marcus, is mentioned frequently in this book, but never actually shows up. I guess the big show-down is being saved for the final book. I look forward to it! My local library didn't have book 3, so I bought it. I couldn't wait until they have it to find out what happens to Miss Fitt. After I read the book, I'm going to donate it to the library. I'm sure there are other library patrons who want to find out how the story ends as well!

I love the cover art for this series! The model is pretty and the dresses she wears are gorgeous! :)

My Rating: 8/10
Ages 13
( )
  JuliW | Nov 22, 2020 |
I loved Something Strange and Deadly last year. It was one of my favorite books. So, how was it that when A Darkness Strange and Lovely arrived on my doorstep I didn't jump to immediately read it? I guess that somehow in the time between, I forgot just how much I had loved the prior book. I took Something Strange and Deadly to a bubble bath with me. An hour and a half later, I was still sitting there reading even though the water was cold, my bubbles were gone, and my toes looked like raisins. I absolutely loved this book. Eleanor is one of my favorite heroines. I like that although she knows she loves Daniel, she's more than capable of moving on and being by herself and isn't afraid too. Or if she is, she's not afraid to face her fears. She listens to advice from others but still makes her own decisions.

I had hit a bit of a reading slump but as soon as I picked up this book, the slump ended. I'm all excited about reading again. ( )
  melrailey | Apr 7, 2020 |
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Romance. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Perfect for fans of Libba Bray's The Diviners and Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices series, this spellbinding sequel to Something Strange and Deadly delivers a mix of supernatural forces and intense romance, set against the enchanting backdrop of nineteenth-century Paris.

With her brother dead and her mother insane, Eleanor Fitt is alone. Even the Spirit-Hunters--Joseph, Jie, and the handsome Daniel--have fled to Paris. So when Eleanor hears the vicious barking of hounds and sees haunting yellow eyes, she fears that the Dead, and the necromancer Marcus, are after her.

To escape, Eleanor boards a steamer bound for France. There she meets Oliver, a young man who claims to have known her brother. But Oliver harbors a dangerous secret involving necromancy and black magic that entices Eleanor beyond words. If she can resist him, she'll be fine. But when she arrives in Paris, she finds that the Dead have taken over, and there's a whole new evil lurking. And she is forced to make a deadly decision that will go against everything the Spirit-Hunters stand for.

In Paris, there's a price for this darkness strange and lovely, and it may have Eleanor paying with her life.


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