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Farfalla: A Story of Loss and Hope.

di Vanita Oelschlager

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The story is told from the perspective of a young Beetle who, with his mother, meets a crowd of caterpillars in the garden they all frequent. Soon they become friends and he watches in awe as the caterpillars weave themselves into cocoons. A special one catches his attention and Beetle "adopts" it by making all sorts of plans of what they will do together when it hatches. Later, he watches as the cocoons break open one by one and beautiful butterflies emerge and fly away. But the one he counted on to be his playmate does not. He is deeply saddened and understandably confused. Beetle's mother explains gently that young friends like his who can't join him in the garden are with others in the sky. The story ends with Beetle waving to his friend above and wishing happiness.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dastaciewyatt, Notables2013, smmorris
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I read Farfalla, in exchange for review from Netgalley.Com. The book was written by Vanita Oelschlager and published by Vanita Books. First, I loved the graphics. They was amazing. The book tells the story of Little Beetle and the caterpillars. Little beetle plays with the caterpillars over the summer. One day, little Beetle notices the caterpillars are gone and misses his friends. His mother tells him about how caterpillars change. Towards the end, there was one cocoon left, and the little beetle names the butterfly Farfalla. The rest is for you to read.

The words were a little advanced for my boys, but I loved reading the book for myself. The book is a great read.
  staciewyatt | Jan 21, 2013 |
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The story is told from the perspective of a young Beetle who, with his mother, meets a crowd of caterpillars in the garden they all frequent. Soon they become friends and he watches in awe as the caterpillars weave themselves into cocoons. A special one catches his attention and Beetle "adopts" it by making all sorts of plans of what they will do together when it hatches. Later, he watches as the cocoons break open one by one and beautiful butterflies emerge and fly away. But the one he counted on to be his playmate does not. He is deeply saddened and understandably confused. Beetle's mother explains gently that young friends like his who can't join him in the garden are with others in the sky. The story ends with Beetle waving to his friend above and wishing happiness.

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Vanita Oelschlager è un Autore di LibraryThing, un autore che cataloga la sua biblioteca personale su LibraryThing.

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