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The Obit Man

di F. F. Langan

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Jack Devlin is a journalist working out of London, England in 1986, making a living through writing obituaries. Asked to write an obit for a French Canadian war hero, he stumbles across a previously untold story -- the story of 60 French Canadians sent to France to work with the French resistance movement. Spanning 1980's and Second World War London, German-occupied France, and Scottish special-ops camps, 'Obit Man' spins a tale of war-time cover-ups.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dageorgebexley, pjpfodl, siafl, dianp
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This book could use a few more words. One way of looking at it is that it's short and fast-paced. Another way of looking at it is it leaves me thinking it could be more substantial. The story is interesting enough, and it's a page turner. Lots of typos in the book, but the writing style is fun and modern, and reflects quite a bit about the author's interests: accents and languages, English vs French, French vs Quebec, Aircraft in WWII, hero-or-villan, war's amazing how much the book touches on in a modest length. (Which in other words would be a statement of how in depth it gets into talking about these things.) Nonetheless, if these things are of interests to you, give this book a try! ( )
  siafl | Feb 9, 2009 |
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Jack Devlin is a journalist working out of London, England in 1986, making a living through writing obituaries. Asked to write an obit for a French Canadian war hero, he stumbles across a previously untold story -- the story of 60 French Canadians sent to France to work with the French resistance movement. Spanning 1980's and Second World War London, German-occupied France, and Scottish special-ops camps, 'Obit Man' spins a tale of war-time cover-ups.

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