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Malicious Pursuit

di KG MacGregor

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Desperate to protect her daughter, Ruth Ferguson kidnaps the four-year-old and flees Maine in the dead of night. The young mother has but two days to escape the child's abusive father, and to make a new life far from everyone she knows. That same night, on the outskirts of the nation's capital, Spencer Rollins stumbles upon a coworker's murder. Terrified by the scene, she bolts, only to be pursued by federal agents who might even be the killers. When their frantic lives collide in Manassas, Virginia, each woman's fate is delivered to the other's hands. Together, they work to unravel the conspiracies that have them on the run.… (altro)
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That's a thriller for sure. Ruth and Spencer are both on the run, they're just not on the run for quite the same reason. Ruth is running with her daughter Jessie to get away from a bad situation for Jess. While Spencer see something she shouldn't and is running from people who simply put , want to kill her.

It was the most fast paced book of MacGregor's that I've read. It always seemed like the story was moving forward and as the reader you just had to hold and go with the flow.

The minor characters, Elena, Viv and Jerry, were interesting and well written, but I would have loved to learn more about them too and their stories.

Still it was an exciting read and a fast read and I still want to know what she sneaks into the pages to make the books so that they're so addictive. Definite five star novel. ( )
  DanieXJ | Feb 10, 2013 |
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This book I dedicate to Tami, whose steadfast excitement

           about my stories has made writing a joy.
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"Five ... ten ... fifteen ... twenty ..." Ruth Ferguson mumbled to herself as she counted the nickels from her drawer. With a quick tap to the calculator, she scooped the change into its tube and continued with the pennies. If there were twenty-six, her drawer balanced for the forty-third day in a row. "Twenty-four ... twenty-five ... bang!"
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Desperate to protect her daughter, Ruth Ferguson kidnaps the four-year-old and flees Maine in the dead of night. The young mother has but two days to escape the child's abusive father, and to make a new life far from everyone she knows. That same night, on the outskirts of the nation's capital, Spencer Rollins stumbles upon a coworker's murder. Terrified by the scene, she bolts, only to be pursued by federal agents who might even be the killers. When their frantic lives collide in Manassas, Virginia, each woman's fate is delivered to the other's hands. Together, they work to unravel the conspiracies that have them on the run.

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