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You're Getting a Baby Sister!

di Sheila Sweeny Higginson, Sheila Sweeny Higginson

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Describes all the feelings an older brother or sister might have when a new baby girl enters the family. On board pages.
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This is what I think of as a novelty book. It's a rhyming celebration of getting a baby sister, along with a very didactic list of warnings about the things babies do and how you have to be patient until they grow up.

"You might look for a hug
when you're not feeling great.
But when mom's feeding the baby,
You'll just have to wait."

There's nothing particularly new or unique about the text and if the child is not yet worried about having a new sibling they will be after they read this. The art is cute but not particularly memorable either.

I don't really see the point of marketing this as a board book. The age of child that is going to be able to understand the concept of being patient with the baby is going to be much older than a board book audience. The book also includes an spread at the back to personalize - space to write in the name of your new sibling, space for a picture, etc. There's also a baby brother version. I did appreciate that there is some diversity in the children pictured.

Verdict: I can see giving this as a gift at a baby shower or something similar, but I don't think it's particularly useful for a general library collection. There are a lot of new sibling/baby books out there that are better.

ISBN: 9781442420502; Published 2012 by Simon and Schuster; Borrowed from another library in my consortium
  JeanLittleLibrary | Jul 11, 2015 |
Ever wonder how to broach the topic of a new baby with a child who is barely past infancy themselves? Higginson takes a stab at it in her delightful board book about what to expect once a new baby sibling arrives. She goes through both the pros and cons of infants, and how their needs and while their wants and needs might come first, the experience will be rewarding. The text is written in slant rhyme and has a suitable rhythm for telling the story aloud. The watercolor illustrations presented many examples of sibling relationships and interactions, including multiple ethnicities. Themes included are teaching patience and sharing, not just with the new baby, but the rest of the family as well. At the end of the story there is a page included that the owner can personalize with a spot for the name of a new baby sister and space for a photograph of the two siblings together. The perfect book to give to children before a new sibling arrives. Recommend. ( )
  lcaitday | Sep 29, 2013 |
(This is review is for both books in the set, You're Getting a Baby Brother! and You're Getting a Baby Sister!)

These board books will appeal directly to the preschooler who is accustomed to his position as the star of the family show, and unsure about what role the future sibling may play.

"It's very exciting. Your family will grow!

But before you start cheering, there are a few things you should know.


Your brother will poop.

He will spit.

He will cry.

And you'd better watch out -- or he'll pee in your eye!"

The negative behaviors, of course, are only a small portion of the book, and kids will enjoy the humorous accompanying illustrations. The reigning preschooler is reminded that babies need understanding and protection,

"And if he grows up, watching all that you do, surely he'll be amazing --

for he'll be just like you!"

The final two pages are designed for personalization, offering space for baby's name and a photo of the new siblings. The brother and sister versions have variations in text and illustrations, however, the message remains the same. You will both be loved; you have a new and special role in your family.

Short and rhyming with a multicultural cast of families, these are great introductions to a new family cast member.

more @ ( )
  shelf-employed | Sep 5, 2012 |
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Describes all the feelings an older brother or sister might have when a new baby girl enters the family. On board pages.

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