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Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries For Today's Complex World

di R. David Lankes

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1222231,649 (4.24)2
"Libraries have existed for millennia, but today many question their necessity. In an ever more digital and connected world, do we still need places of books in our towns, colleges, or schools? If libraries aren't about books, what are they about? In Expect More, David Lankes, winner of the 2012 ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature, walks you through what to expect out of your library. Lankes argues that, to thrive, communities need libraries that go beyond bricks and mortar, and beyond books and literature. We need to expect more out of our libraries. They should be places of learning and advocates for our communities in terms of privacy, intellectual property, and economic development. Expect More is a rallying call to communities to raise the bar, and their expectations, for great libraries."--Author's website.… (altro)
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recommended by Buffy Hamilton
FANTASTIC. I reserved "The Atlas of New Librarianship" ( )
  pollycallahan | Jul 1, 2023 |
Future of library services. I would recommend this to library board members, et al, though truth be told, not that many of them would probably have (or make) the time to sit down and read it--even I only skimmed it, and I am a fan of R.David Lankes. If this is the case, I would highly recommend watching the author's presentation of "the Bad, the Good, and the Great" which is extremely thought-provoking and essential. ( )
  reader1009 | Jul 3, 2021 |
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"Libraries have existed for millennia, but today many question their necessity. In an ever more digital and connected world, do we still need places of books in our towns, colleges, or schools? If libraries aren't about books, what are they about? In Expect More, David Lankes, winner of the 2012 ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature, walks you through what to expect out of your library. Lankes argues that, to thrive, communities need libraries that go beyond bricks and mortar, and beyond books and literature. We need to expect more out of our libraries. They should be places of learning and advocates for our communities in terms of privacy, intellectual property, and economic development. Expect More is a rallying call to communities to raise the bar, and their expectations, for great libraries."--Author's website.

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