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Trademark Protection and Prosecution: How-to…
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Trademark Protection and Prosecution: How-to and Do-It-Yourself (edizione 2012)

di Ann Carrington

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14101,475,928 (4.08)Nessuno
Because trademark rights in the United States are based on use, when a trademark is not used or is used incorrectly, even for a relatively short period of time without justification, the mark may be deemed abandoned. Once abandoned, others may adopt and use the mark. Avoid the risk of loss of rights. This is a comprehensive book on trademarks that covers trademark intelligence, an overview of trademark law, trademark protections, trademark infringement, trade dress, trade name, the trademark prosecution process, the drawing page, foreign and international registrations, trademark maintenance, trademarks and licensing, trademark assignments, and trademark enforcement, and includes sample forms and agreements and checklists. Trademarks benefit both trademark owners and consumers. The trademarks of your company are valuable assets of your business and should be treated with care.… (altro)
Titolo:Trademark Protection and Prosecution: How-to and Do-It-Yourself
Autori:Ann Carrington
Info:Aauvi House Publishing Group (2012), Paperback, 309 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Trademark Protection and Prosecution: How-to and Do-It-Yourself di Ann Carrington

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A reasonable introduction to trademark law for the non-lawyer. Ordinarily I recommend Nolo for this sort of thing, but if you want to focus just on trademark, this is a reasonable substitute. I wasn't thrilled with the discussion of defenses. Yes, the focus is on "trademark protection" -- but you can't protect your trademark if you can't adequately understand trademark defenses, such as trademark fair use. Otherwise, you end up with an overblown idea of what a trademark really gets you, and you get can into dangerous territory overclaiming or overdefending -- and thus overspending!

Hopefully this will be used to give an intro to someone who wants to know about TM, but isn't prepared to use it as a DIY guidebook for a serious trademark issue.

I received a copy of this book from LibraryThing Early Reviewers. ( )
  lquilter | Dec 26, 2014 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I am a lawyer, but I don't have experience in trademark law. I thought this book was informative and easy to understand, as an attorney, even though I don't practice in trademark protection or prosecution. I

In addition, I think this book will be very helpful for those who are starting a small business or have some other issues with trademark law. It's always best to consult a lawyer, but it's also best (and will probably cut down on fees) if you go in to speak with a lawyer with your own general understanding of how things work and what you need. ( )
  Eregriel | Oct 12, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
There is much to be said for Carrington's in-depth coverage of information about trademarks in this book. Not only does she cover how to apply for a trademark, but also how to make sure that one is not lost due to misuse or lack of use. There is much material that can be used by a lay person who is interested in learning about what a trademark is and how to file for one. However, obtaining a trademark is of such great importance that legal assistance should most definitely be sought. One huge advantage of this book is that it contains samples of the forms a company would need to file to acquire a trademark. However, one detraction for me as a layperson reading the book was that it often seemed repetitive, covering some topics more than once. ( )
  gcamp | Sep 3, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Ann Carrington's TRADEMARK PROTECTION AND PROSECUTION is an excellent introduction and overview of trademark law and practice. This work is part of a "How-To" and "Do-It-Yourself" series of books. As a rule of thumb I use Nolo Press as my gold standard for the best legal books for the non professional (and must admit that Nolo does have some clunkers, but overall they're my "go to" press for works like this). So, this book has excellent organization, excellent coverage, and an excellent index. Throw in a plethora of sample forms, agreements, and checklists and you get something that should be on the shelves of lots of small businesses. ( )
  fugitive | Aug 14, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Excellent reference book. Points are clearly explained in a language a non-attorney can understand.

This book can also be a useful tool for people looking to consult an attorney about Trademark protection and not wanting to go "cold" into the appointment.

I'm very glad to have it as part of my library and would recommend it to anyone considering trademark protection. ( )
  GrrlLovesBooks | Aug 4, 2012 |
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Because trademark rights in the United States are based on use, when a trademark is not used or is used incorrectly, even for a relatively short period of time without justification, the mark may be deemed abandoned. Once abandoned, others may adopt and use the mark. Avoid the risk of loss of rights. This is a comprehensive book on trademarks that covers trademark intelligence, an overview of trademark law, trademark protections, trademark infringement, trade dress, trade name, the trademark prosecution process, the drawing page, foreign and international registrations, trademark maintenance, trademarks and licensing, trademark assignments, and trademark enforcement, and includes sample forms and agreements and checklists. Trademarks benefit both trademark owners and consumers. The trademarks of your company are valuable assets of your business and should be treated with care.

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Il libro di Ann Carrington Trademark Protection and Prosecution è stato disponibile in LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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