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The Curse of the Ruby Necklace

di Francine Pascal, Jamie Suzanne

Serie: Sweet Valley Twins (Super Chiller 5)

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913306,988 (3.65)1
Comic and Graphic Books. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The Wakefield twins return in this graphic novel adaptation of the New York Times best-selling Sweet Valley Twins series! It's Elizabeth's turn in the spotlight... but does Jessica deserve it more?
Jessica knows she’s the better dancer – but their teacher only seems to have eyes for her sister Elizabeth! No matter how hard or perfectly she dances she’s not getting recognized – which becomes a huge problem when it becomes clear that her sister is going to get the main role of Swanilda instead of her. Even worse, Elizabeth refuses to believe that their teacher is favoring her! With Jessica’s attitude rapidly souring and Elizabeth slowly realizing that Jessica might actually be right, will they be able to find a way to get Jessica her leading role?
Francine Pascal’s beloved Sweet Valley Twins series continues with Claudia Aguirre offering her fresh and modern artwork just right for today's contemporary middle-grade graphic novel.
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I never read the Sweet Valley books as a girl, but now I think I really missed out on something. These are some great books and this is a fine example. If you like ghost stories, thrillers, mysteries or family realationships, you'll love this book. If you have daughters, don't let them miss out...get them some Sweet Valley books! ( )
  seldombites | Aug 2, 2009 |
This was a creepy book! I read it when I was young, probably a bit too young, but I loved it and it was so creepy! ( )
  Heather19 | Aug 23, 2007 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Francine Pascalautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Suzanne, Jamieautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato

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Sweet Valley Twins (Super Chiller 5)
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To Daniel Meir Goldstein
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"Jessica, look out behind you!" Elizabeth Wakefield shouted.
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Comic and Graphic Books. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The Wakefield twins return in this graphic novel adaptation of the New York Times best-selling Sweet Valley Twins series! It's Elizabeth's turn in the spotlight... but does Jessica deserve it more?
Jessica knows she’s the better dancer – but their teacher only seems to have eyes for her sister Elizabeth! No matter how hard or perfectly she dances she’s not getting recognized – which becomes a huge problem when it becomes clear that her sister is going to get the main role of Swanilda instead of her. Even worse, Elizabeth refuses to believe that their teacher is favoring her! With Jessica’s attitude rapidly souring and Elizabeth slowly realizing that Jessica might actually be right, will they be able to find a way to get Jessica her leading role?
Francine Pascal’s beloved Sweet Valley Twins series continues with Claudia Aguirre offering her fresh and modern artwork just right for today's contemporary middle-grade graphic novel.

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