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Hudson's Bay Company

di Mark Reid

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Hudson's Bay Company has shaped the history and culture of Canada for more than 300 years. As the company evolved from fur traders and settlers to contemporary fashion leaders, the men and women of The Bay have left their mark on both the country and its people. Where canny Scots once traded blankets and tools with First Nations trappers in exchange for beaver pelts, today this retailer brings the best and brightest of the world's fashion to a discerning clientele. The merchandise may be different, but the mission is the same: to deliver what is new, what is exciting, and what is cutting edge. From arctic exploration to the settlement of the West and the creation of a modern retail empire, the history of Hudson's Bay Company is a tapestry of richness and diversity. Assouline is please to announce its latest title, Hudson's Bay Company. With more than 200 illustrations, this beautiful tome unveils the brand's iconic past and how it continues to shape trends and tastes today. AUTHOR: Graydon Carter has been editor of Vanity Fair for almost twenty years. He was the co-founder and editor of Spy magazine, and a former writer for Time and Life magazines. Carter is also a Peabody and Emmy Award-winning documentary film producer and the co-owner of two popular New York restaurants. He lives in Manhattan with his wife, Anna, and has five children. ILLUSTRATIONS: 220 colour and b/w… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dawendat, cecilyb, moonsoar
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Hudson's Bay Company has shaped the history and culture of Canada for more than 300 years. As the company evolved from fur traders and settlers to contemporary fashion leaders, the men and women of The Bay have left their mark on both the country and its people. Where canny Scots once traded blankets and tools with First Nations trappers in exchange for beaver pelts, today this retailer brings the best and brightest of the world's fashion to a discerning clientele. The merchandise may be different, but the mission is the same: to deliver what is new, what is exciting, and what is cutting edge. From arctic exploration to the settlement of the West and the creation of a modern retail empire, the history of Hudson's Bay Company is a tapestry of richness and diversity. Assouline is please to announce its latest title, Hudson's Bay Company. With more than 200 illustrations, this beautiful tome unveils the brand's iconic past and how it continues to shape trends and tastes today. AUTHOR: Graydon Carter has been editor of Vanity Fair for almost twenty years. He was the co-founder and editor of Spy magazine, and a former writer for Time and Life magazines. Carter is also a Peabody and Emmy Award-winning documentary film producer and the co-owner of two popular New York restaurants. He lives in Manhattan with his wife, Anna, and has five children. ILLUSTRATIONS: 220 colour and b/w

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