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Business Structures and Incorporation:…
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Business Structures and Incorporation: How-to and Do-It-Yourself (edizione 2012)

di Ann Carrington

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17121,273,319 (3.63)Nessuno
A comprehensive book describing principal forms of business, exploring the considerations and strategies in making an appropriate selection, sample forms and documents, and much more!By carefully considering the forms of business entities that are available and then intelligently choosing an appropriate one the entrepreneur can reduce exposure to liabilities, save taxes and launch the business in a form capable of being financed and conducted efficiently. The sooner a choice is made, the more flexibility and wider selection the business owner will have. Moreover, formalizing a business helps prevent misunderstandings among the participants by defining ownership roles and duties in the business.Look inside: What Structures Makes the Most Sense? Choice of Name, Choice of Business Entity, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, Corporations, Corporate Management, Corporate Records, Changes in Corporate Structures, Corporate Stock Matters, Capital Stock Structures, Employee and Other Matters, Tax Matters, and Doing Business in Other States.Including sample agreements, forms and checklists, such as: a limited partnership agreement, a management agreement, a limited liability company operating agreement, articles of incorporation, bylaws, an indemnity agreement, a stock purchase agreement, and much more!Carrington is set to reach new readers with the simultaneous release of her debut companion books: Business Structures and Incorporation, Trademark Protection and Prosecution, and Writing Winning Business Plans.… (altro)
Titolo:Business Structures and Incorporation: How-to and Do-It-Yourself
Autori:Ann Carrington
Info:Aauvi House (2012), Paperback, 320 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Business Structures and Incorporation: How-to and Do-It-Yourself di Ann Carrington

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Although I would not claim that any of the information in the book is wrong, I can't recommend it. Perhaps as much as half the pages are taken up with boilerplate legal documents or images of forms--the sort of thing that would have been better included on a CD or distributed via a web site. The remainder of the book contains very general information, and it's not exactly entertaining. I would spend my money on a book from Nolo Press instead. ( )
  szarka | Jul 18, 2014 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
As a reference book, this is a fine addition to any large interdisciplinary library, yet probably not the best general purpose reference book for small libraries. In fact, unless you have a specific interesting in corporate law, the book will probably not interest you. But if you are starting a business, or going into corporate law, I am sure this book will help you, if not in the short-term then probably in the middle to long-term. ( )
  MoonBeamShadow | Apr 7, 2013 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
A decent overview of all the major business structures. It also gives several examples of things like articles of incorporation, corporate policies, and records. However, when applied on the state level, it only refers to California with no examples from other states. I would recommend it for a beginner who is looking to compare the major pros and cons of the business structures.
  mallinje | Sep 5, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
While this book is certainly not your go to reference for businness structures, it provides a nice overview of options for beginners. If you're reading it for mere curiosity, it may be a little more in depth than you wanted. ( )
  chsbellboy | Sep 4, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
A great detailed overview of various business structures, what they entail, how they are organized, where power lies, and what considerations might drive strategies in regards to structuring a firm. Great for anyone interested in the topic, and with a higher than average level of legal/business understanding. ( )
  EThorelli | Aug 30, 2012 |
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A comprehensive book describing principal forms of business, exploring the considerations and strategies in making an appropriate selection, sample forms and documents, and much more!By carefully considering the forms of business entities that are available and then intelligently choosing an appropriate one the entrepreneur can reduce exposure to liabilities, save taxes and launch the business in a form capable of being financed and conducted efficiently. The sooner a choice is made, the more flexibility and wider selection the business owner will have. Moreover, formalizing a business helps prevent misunderstandings among the participants by defining ownership roles and duties in the business.Look inside: What Structures Makes the Most Sense? Choice of Name, Choice of Business Entity, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, Corporations, Corporate Management, Corporate Records, Changes in Corporate Structures, Corporate Stock Matters, Capital Stock Structures, Employee and Other Matters, Tax Matters, and Doing Business in Other States.Including sample agreements, forms and checklists, such as: a limited partnership agreement, a management agreement, a limited liability company operating agreement, articles of incorporation, bylaws, an indemnity agreement, a stock purchase agreement, and much more!Carrington is set to reach new readers with the simultaneous release of her debut companion books: Business Structures and Incorporation, Trademark Protection and Prosecution, and Writing Winning Business Plans.

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