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The Rules

di Stacey Kade

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3372579,868 (4.08)1 / 6
At sixteen, Ariane Tucker has been careful to elude those seeking her since her escape from a genetics lab ten years earlier, but the attention of classmate Zane, both frightening and intoxicating, tempts her to risk violating at least one of her adoptive father's five simple rules.
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Creepy cover is creepy. Especially once you read the book, 'cause that makes the creepy eyes stand out more. I greatly enjoyed Kade's first three books (The Ghost and the Goth trilogy) though I was a wee bit hesitant to broach this book at first since it sounded a bit...not my cup of tea. Hybrid human/aliens aren't my normal reading preference especially where young adult reading is concerned(blame some of this on the Roswell tv show and the brooding portrayal of teen wangst in the face of certain death, doom and apocalypse). However, or in spite of my reservations, I was intensely curious to see where Kade took it all.

Very happy I did.

Like Ghost and the Goth, Kade took a couple concepts and gave them a face-lift. Small town living, parental legacies (and neglect), popularity and high school social hierarchies all are given a swift punch as Kade explores just what a toll these things can take. Admittedly some of this was tried and true from the G&G books, but we have far less reason to like Rachel than we did Alona and the stakes are far greater for Ariane than ever they were either Alona or Will.

If you don't read the blurb than the first chapter, told from Ariane's POV (the chapters alternate between hers and Zane, her hm 'reason' to break the rules more or less) then things may feel a bit stuck in the middle of something. She just barely hints that something is off about herself, but doesn't quite go into detail until a chapter or so later. Zane meanwhile, who is introduced through Ariane's POV first (and a total jerk), evolves from a guy desperate to do something gain his father's approval to a guy who realizes it not worth losing his soul in the process.

Rachel goes from mean-spirited, to wicked and lands on cruel before making an almost redemptive action (in a ruthless self-serving manner). The party scene near the end cinches it, but I felt a bit bad for her because like Zane she was desperate to gain the attention of people, but unlike Zane she was happily selling her soul to do so. Her last scenes with Zane and Ariane can almost be seen as 'Maybe she finally understands' light, but whether or not we see her again is dubious (given the direction of the end).

This next paragraph is a spoiler:

Mark Tucker, Ariane's 'father' (or more accurately her rescuer/adoptive father), as seen through Ariane's eyes is a hardworking, meticulous man who while restrictive (for her own good) and demanding cares for her. Not as much as his real daughter, but still she senses affection from him. So when it turns out that he was part of the 'new experiment' that the scientists are running for the last ten years it REALLY was a surprise. Until in hindsight you notice things that she noticed in an absent manner. I think Kade did a really good job setting clues in the book towards the eventual reveal, even if that hurt like the dickens. [end spoiler]

This was a fast paced, intriguing start to a new scifi series. Like the G and G series I'm hooked on what seems to be an impossible (or at least really ill-considered, on the part of the characters) romance and I want to see what the truth is for Ariane and how she settles with who (and what) she is.
( )
  lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
This read more like a YA paranormal/high school drama than a sci-fi thriller as the main plot mostly revolves around getting revenge on a high school mean girl. I did like the backstory the author gave the male lead-- he's part of the popular group and hangs out with the mean girl, but he's slowly drifting away from as he comes to realize they are just mean, spoiled brats. I still love YA novels but this one honestly felt a little too immature for me-- maybe because I didn't go to high school in the US and therefore never had to deal with actual mean girls, but I didn't really get the big deal about them. Are mean girls really so scary?

Anyway, I wasn't into all the high school drama so the book really dragged on for me. Probably not gonna read the rest of the series. ( )
  serru | Oct 6, 2022 |
The first of a the series, this book was an interesting set up. A girl with powers and secrets trying to blend in with normal society, but of course that doesn't end well.

A good mix of regular teen life, science fiction elements and plenty of plot twists to keep you guessing until the end. ( )
  thinktink93 | Jul 17, 2021 |
This is another one of those books I read earlier this year and then forgot to write a review for it, even though I greatly loved the book! Ariane, the main character, is a girl with a lot of rules: important rules that are there to save her life. The story is also told by Zane, a fellow high school student.

The best part about these two characters is how real they seemed. I've been in a reading funk lately, not really "falling in love" with the characters in my books, but these two are just amazingly written and are great fun to read. Not only that, but the minor characters are just as much fun, from Jenna, the ditzy best friend you just love to hate, to her classmates who torture Ariane.

The book has a great pace, and then there's a great twist at the end that you probably won't suspect, and it just kills me not to talk more about it but it'll completely spoil the book.

I received a copy of this book for free from netgalley. ( )
  anastaciaknits | Oct 29, 2016 |

The premise of this book intrigued me. I love me some sci-fi, and this heads right up that alley without feeling too far out there. It's perfect for those that are just getting into sci-fi.

Ariane is a sweet girl. She has to follow the Rules so she won't be noticed. She tries not to care about people, but finds it hard when she's not allowed to get close. She's very intelligent, and doesn't know what to say at times. She's constantly thinking situations through so that she doesn't make a mistake with how she words things. She tries to be strong enough not to break those rules, but a certain boy makes that very hard. Zane is a great character. At first he seems like a jerk, but he has many layers beneath him. He has a troubled home life, but doesn't want his friends to know. He is a follower until he reaches a breaking point. He's a good guy, with good intentions. He just has crappy friends. Rachel is the perfect example of the mean girl. She's cruel, and only does things that will make her happy, or bring pain/humiliation to others. She doesn't like to be laughed at, and is a complete B.

The plot moved along quickly. You begin wondering how close the lab is to finding Ariane. You want to cheer for her the whole time, even knowing she's breaking the Rules. This girl deserves a normal life. She doesn't really get to "live" since she's always in hiding. Ariane decides that her little bit of freedom when it comes to Zane is worth it. As much as Ariane tries to avoid confrontation, it seems to follow her. There tends to be many people around when it hits the fan. Each time something happens, brings her former captors closer to finding her. And oh my wow the twist. There's one event that I did not see coming at all. I was heartbroken for Ariane, and wanted to comfort her any way possible.

Overall this is a fast paced read. You aren't bored, and want to know just how far Ariane is going to get without attracting attention. I'm looking forward to seeing where this series goes from here. ( )
  BookishThings | Mar 23, 2016 |
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At sixteen, Ariane Tucker has been careful to elude those seeking her since her escape from a genetics lab ten years earlier, but the attention of classmate Zane, both frightening and intoxicating, tempts her to risk violating at least one of her adoptive father's five simple rules.

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