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Pandora's Key (The Key Trilogy, #1)

di Nancy Richardson Fischer

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1651,340,329 (4.67)1
The key to saving the world hangs from her neck... Sixteen-year-old Evangeline Theopolis doesn't know her father, her mother is having delusions, and her godmother is, at the very least, a murderer. A clandestine Order called the Archivists is trying to find and kill her for a magical talisman she believes is just a necklace with an antique key charm. And an ancient and lethal female Sect is bent on kidnapping her.To fight her deadly adversaries Evangeline is forced to use both her wits and the supernatural talents she never imagined she possessed. Her journey takes her to the steps of Mount Olympus where she will discover her true identity and have a decision to make: accept who she really is or take responsibility for the destruction of the world. PANDORA'S KEY is a fast-paced, edgy urban fantasy about a young woman's treacherous path to self-awareness and the realization that sometimes you have to play the hero in your own life's story. Fans of Suzanne Collins and Stephenie Meyer will appreciate the magic infused gritty realism, flawed yet powerful heroine, intricate plot and cast of characters to love, despise or pity.… (altro)
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This book was twisty and had turns I didn't expect- they made for an enjoyable read and start to a new series I will be following diligently.

Evangeline is a teenage girl who doesn't fit in...until she turns 16 and inherits a mysterious key. That event is the kickoff point for a story that will keep you guessing until the end. With a cast of characters that includes gods, geniuses and girls in 'cults', this book is a good introduction to a reimaging of a story that is familiar to all of us.

Highly recommended! ( )
  Whythehandbasket | Feb 6, 2021 |
Evangeline Theopolis or E to her friends is a teenager who is turning sixteen soon. E with her best friend Melia and Raphe Petersen help E cope with life and other struggles she faces. E has been having strange dreams that are more like nightmares of different women killing themselves in the prime of their lives. E's mother Olivia has been acting strangely lately and E is worried about her. Samatha Harris is Olivia's agent and E's godmother. Malledy is an Archivist and suffering from Huntington's Disease. He is searching for some cure and hope that he can defeat the disease. Malledy is keeping a few secrets of his own from Juliette and the Archivists too. Juliette is Malledy's mentor and follow Archivist that is hiding a secret. She is a member of the Pandora Sect and leading a dual life which is wearing on her these last few years. Malledy has an appointment with Dr. Aali regarding Huntington's Disease. He's hoping for good news but not holding his breathe either. E's world is turned upside down when she finds her mother passed out on her bedroon floor. Dr. Sullivan tells Olivia and E that there isn't much hope. E tries to deny the truth yet it's plain on Dr. Sullivan's face. E is kidnapped and taken hostage by unseen foes in front of Raphe. Raphe asks for Dr. Sullivan's in finding E Dr. Sullivan reluctantly agrees to help. Detective Morrison is searching for Evangeline and Samatha too. Will Olivia get better? Will Juliette be found out? What is Malledy's plan? Will E trust Samatha or Melia? What about Raphe? Will Detective Morrison find E? Your answers await you in Pandora's Key. ( )
  WolfFaerie17 | Jul 21, 2012 |
I received this book from the author through the Making Connections group on GoodReads. If you haven’t joined this group, go and do it right now!!! They offer tons of books you can read for free as long as you provide a review. Brilliant if you ask me! In fact, they still have several copies of "Pandora's Key" available HERE:

Also, there is currently an author interview with Nancy Richardson Fischer, author of “Pandora’s Key,” on the Shut Up & Read Blog HERE.

I really enjoyed reading this book and everything about it. Honestly, I did not know what to expect when I started reading “Pandora’s Key.” But, let me tell you that this book is happy, sad, exciting, romantic, scary and full of action! This book has everything to keep the reader turning pages like a mad person.

The character of Evangeline is a strong female lead, especially for being barely 16. She faces things that seem impossible and has a hard time not asking questions. The great thing is that she never gives up her search for truth and hope. Evangeline wasn’t the only fantastic character. I would say all of the characters, even if they were barely in the story, gave off a definite sense of meaning and purpose. Even the nurses that tend to her mother were memorable. That is quite a feat you have accomplished there, Nancy Richardson Fischer!

The plot was just… perfect. I don’t know what other word to describe it that would give it justice. The plot basically starts out with two stories. One is the story of Evangeline while the other is the story of a young man named Malledy. Both stories are so gripping separately, but when the characters collide it is impossible to stop reading “Pandora’s Key” after that.

I want to say so much more but I don’t want to give away too much about the book. That is why my reviews are always short, sweet and to the point. I think anyone that enjoys a great work of Fiction, YA or not, should read “Pandora’s Key.” Just trust me on this one! Plus, it is only the 1st book in the Key Trilogy! I am very, very, very excited about the next two books.

5 stars because “Pandora’s Key” is a gift from the gods! ( )
  BookJunky80 | Jun 15, 2012 |
Never have I seen a book take over my classroom like this one did. I will always have one or two students who make it their business to read anything involving Greek mythology. When a book can take over a class to the point they are fighting over which class gets to read it first or next then you know it is a great book. Having students come from other grades to read the book because they heard the sixth graders talking about it was another testament to how great the book was. The students are anxiously awaiting the next book in the series. I haven't seen this much enthusiasm since the students started reading The Hunger Game Trilogy. I too am looking forward to the second book. I understood Evangeline's response to learning the truth. I would have hated to have been in her shoes. If you want to know what I'm talking about then you need to pick up this book and read it. Then come back for the second book in the trilogy, The Key to Tartarus. ( )
  skstiles612 | Feb 5, 2012 |
Prepare to be disappointed! You are going to want to read the other books in this trilogy and they are not in print yet! This is a story based on Greek mythology with a paranormal flavor but is classified as an urban fantasy. I can't wait for the other books to be available. In a field of YA books, this one stands out. It is a refreshing change of pace from the vampires. This one is not just another Twilight wannbe!

The main character has some unusual abilities, such as smelling pictures and dreams that are a little too real. All the characters are well written an interesting. Teens will definitely relate to the characters, especially E. Throw in a couple of secret sects that are more than a little interested in E and a few twists and turns. This one will keep you guessing! It is a fast read. I finished it in a day and a half. I plan to pass this one on to my 15 year old daughter.

There is just enough romance in the story, but no graphic love scenes (one of my big complaints about YA books in general). This one is safe for 12 and 13 year old's to read!

The cover art is unique and eye catching. I would have picked this one off the shelf, if I hadn't received a review copy directly from the author. (I am always impressed when a book comes from the author and not the publisher.) I am so glad that I can honestly give this one 4 stars. I am anxiously awaiting the next book! ( )
  gchristianson | Dec 12, 2011 |
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The key to saving the world hangs from her neck... Sixteen-year-old Evangeline Theopolis doesn't know her father, her mother is having delusions, and her godmother is, at the very least, a murderer. A clandestine Order called the Archivists is trying to find and kill her for a magical talisman she believes is just a necklace with an antique key charm. And an ancient and lethal female Sect is bent on kidnapping her.To fight her deadly adversaries Evangeline is forced to use both her wits and the supernatural talents she never imagined she possessed. Her journey takes her to the steps of Mount Olympus where she will discover her true identity and have a decision to make: accept who she really is or take responsibility for the destruction of the world. PANDORA'S KEY is a fast-paced, edgy urban fantasy about a young woman's treacherous path to self-awareness and the realization that sometimes you have to play the hero in your own life's story. Fans of Suzanne Collins and Stephenie Meyer will appreciate the magic infused gritty realism, flawed yet powerful heroine, intricate plot and cast of characters to love, despise or pity.

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