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Puggle's problem

di Aleesah Darlison

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Pipp Puggle is a tiny echidna with a big problem.Although he's good at doing lots of things, like:hunting ants, curling into a ball, and building terrifically tidy burrows, Pipp's spines simply will not come. Tired of waiting for them to appear, Pip sets out on a quest to make them grow. But he soon learns that some things can't be rushed...This is a gentle, humorous tale emphasising the importance of perseverance and patience. It also showcases some of Australia's best-loved native animals and their unique characteristics.… (altro)
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Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
This story is a wonderful little book. Puggle is an echidna who does not have his spikes. Others do, hid family and friends, but not Puggle. He goes and asks his friends what they did to get their particular gift and they told him. He tried all sorts of things, but his spikes still did not grow. Because the story takes place in Australia, his friends are native Australian animals that all teach something about themselves (i.e. kangaroos and long tails, koalas with fuzzy ears eat gum leaves etc.) When he asks his mother about his spikes, she tells him he needs patience, her spikes were late coming in too. The lesson of the story is simple and understand, "Patience is a Virtue". The artwork is wonderful, large simple pictures so children will really be able to see the animals depicted. A cute story that would be great for young children and kindergarten or primary classrooms.

I received the galley of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
This story is a wonderful little book. Puggle is an echidna who does not have his spikes. Others do, hid family and friends, but not Puggle. He goes and asks his friends what they did to get their particular gift and they told him. He tried all sorts of things, but his spikes still did not grow. Because the story takes place in Australia, his friends are native Australian animals that all teach something about themselves (i.e. kangaroos and long tails, koalas with fuzzy ears eat gum leaves etc.) When he asks his mother about his spikes, she tells him he needs patience, her spikes were late coming in too. The lesson of the story is simple and understand, "Patience is a Virtue". The artwork is wonderful, large simple pictures so children will really be able to see the animals depicted. A cute story that would be great for young children and kindergarten or primary classrooms. I received a galley of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Oct 5, 2016 |
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Pipp Puggle is a tiny echidna with a big problem.Although he's good at doing lots of things, like:hunting ants, curling into a ball, and building terrifically tidy burrows, Pipp's spines simply will not come. Tired of waiting for them to appear, Pip sets out on a quest to make them grow. But he soon learns that some things can't be rushed...This is a gentle, humorous tale emphasising the importance of perseverance and patience. It also showcases some of Australia's best-loved native animals and their unique characteristics.

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