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Shogun: A Novel of Japan di Clavell James
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Shogun: A Novel of Japan (originale 1975; edizione 1980)

di Clavell James (Autore)

Serie: Serie asiatica (1.1)

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808928,691 (4.34)1
Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:

By the #1 New York Times bestselling author and unparalleled master of historical fiction, James Clavell's Shogun is soon to be a major FX/Hulu TV series!

Shogun, the classic epic novel of feudal Japan that captured the heart of a culture and the imagination of the world, is now available for the first time in serial format. Part One contains the first half of the complete novel.

After Englishman John Blackthorne is lost at sea, he awakens in a place few Europeans know of and even fewer have seenNippon. Thrust into the closed society that is seventeenth-century Japan, a land where the line between life and death is razor-thin, Blackthorne must negotiate not only a foreign people, with unknown customs and language, but also his own definitions of morality, truth, and freedom. As internal political strife and a clash of cultures lead to seemingly inevitable conflict, Blackthorne's loyalty and strength of character are tested by both passion and loss, and he is torn between two worlds that will each be forever changed.

Powerful and engrossing, capturing both the rich pageantry and stark realities of life in feudal Japan, Shogun is a critically acclaimed powerhouse of a book. Heart-stopping, edge-of-your-seat action melds seamlessly with intricate historical detail and raw human emotion. Endlessly compelling, this sweeping saga captivated the world to become not only one of the best-selling novels of all time but one of the highest-rated television miniseries, as well as inspiring a nationwide surge of interest in the culture of Japan. Shakespearean in both scope and depth, Shogun is, as the New York Times put it, ''not only something you readyou live it.''

Also available: Shogun: Part Two

… (altro)
Titolo:Shogun: A Novel of Japan
Autori:Clavell James (Autore)
Info:A DELL BOOK (1980), Edition: 2nd
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

Shōgun: A Novel of Japan (Volume 1) di James Clavell (1975)

Aggiunto di recente daJasonMa, biblioteca privata, Malawdy, TheBighams, johnbauer2000, kcasada, sedentarysam
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this was my second or third (or fourth?) reading. Still just as interesting as the first time.
  ETribby | May 11, 2024 |
Long but amazing...Blackthorne forever.

"One thing is certain: the barbarian will never leave. Neither alive nor dead. He is part of the realm forever."

"Isn't man but a blossom taken by wind, and only the mountains and the sea and the stars and this land of the gods everlasting?" ( )
  ReneeNL | Jun 29, 2020 |
I have only read one other James Clavell novel, Tai-Pan. Comparing the two, I believe Tai-Pan has a stronger, cleaner storyline. But overall Shogun is the greater of the two works. And dare I say it? I also believe James Clavell to be more than a mere writer of fiction; these two books to me qualify as literature.

Both Tai-Pan and Shogun present themselves as novels of epic events. And they are. But the epic sweep of the setting is deceiving. Tai-Pan, for example, mainly moves back and forth between Hong Kong, Macau, and Canton. Only a trip of 30-40 miles. But the three locations are entirely different worlds, ruled and populated by drastically different peoples and even cultures. Shogun, meanwhile, goes back and forth between Yedo and Osaka, a trip of only a few hundred miles. But each trip seems like a long journey through unknown lands and seas. Then, the trips and voyages become secondary, as Clavell moves into his subjects like a movie camera zooming in for a close-up. The casual reader will never notice, so smooth is the transition. And, in fact, the individual worlds that open up are grander, more varied and spectacle filled than the temporal world through which each travels.

The land journey to Osaka is the centerpoint of the novel. In some ways, it is almost like a retelling of The Canterbury Tales displaced into medieval Japan. In the caravan, a seaman, a lady of the high court, a courtesan and her madam, a warrior, a failed Catholic clergyman, and a noble and his nephew all have their stories told while on a "pilgrimage" to honor the emperor (and thus become captive) in Osaka castle. Each story reveals a person trapped by their own desires: Blackthorne bound to his enmity towards the Jesuits and their Portuguese allies and to his love for the Lady Mariko; Mariko herself tied to her duty to avenge her family and follow the orders of her liege; Gyoko the madam who seeks riches and social advancement; Yabu, the lord, who plots endlessly to enlarge his fiefdom; and Buntaro, Mariko's humiliated husband who despises foreigners and has fallen prey to the whims of his wife who has rejected him. Looming behind them all is the Toranago, the feudal lord secretly lusting to establish his own shogunate.

Clavell is deft at moving among these characters, highlighting the conflicts while demonstrating their less obvious mutual respect for each other. Indeed, Shogun often demonstrates how enemies are not only destined to become friends or allies but how their opposing personal qualities essentially pair them together. The greatest example is the mutual hostility and attraction between Toranaga and his rival for ultimate power, the Lady Ochiba.

A few other themes carry over between Shogun and Tai-Pan. There is the hostility of the Catholic Church and its rigid dogma towards the Protestant English and their laissez faire attitude not only to trade but to free thought. There is the romance between strong, intellectually endowed Asian women and self-made Englishmen. But there is most obviously the contrast between Asian and European customs, almost always to the disadvantage of European ways.

Nowhere is this more clear than on the issue of personal hygiene, which Clavell almost obsesses on in both novels. The cleanliness and healthiness of China/Japan as opposed to the stink, rancidness, filth, and diseased ways of Britain and Europe. And, to be honest, Clavell is not too far amiss in his critique--not even into the current time. One of the first things apparent to residents of Asia (myself included) is the apparent lingering dislike of Europeans for soap and bathing. (This is not so much a problem with North Americans coming to Asia.) It is something that becomes most obvious during the hot humid days of Southeast Asia, especially in confined spaces teeming with people. Clavell really got it dead-on, here. ( )
  PaulCornelius | Apr 12, 2020 |
An absolutely stunning tale of Japan during the era of the samurai, and before Tokugawa (Toranaga in the book) became Shogun of the famous Tokugawa shogunate, the last Japanese military government. ( )
  book_lady15 | Apr 3, 2020 |
What an epic! Fabulous book. 50 hrs of listening to a story, which combines history, culture, psychology and excitement. I loved the insights into Japanese culture and especially the insightful thinking of Lord Toranaga. Need a rest though before reading the next book in the series. ( )
  jvgravy | Oct 22, 2019 |
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Volume 1 of 2. Please do not combine with the full novel, another volume or volume 1 from a 3 or 4 volumes edition.
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Classic Literature. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:

By the #1 New York Times bestselling author and unparalleled master of historical fiction, James Clavell's Shogun is soon to be a major FX/Hulu TV series!

Shogun, the classic epic novel of feudal Japan that captured the heart of a culture and the imagination of the world, is now available for the first time in serial format. Part One contains the first half of the complete novel.

After Englishman John Blackthorne is lost at sea, he awakens in a place few Europeans know of and even fewer have seenNippon. Thrust into the closed society that is seventeenth-century Japan, a land where the line between life and death is razor-thin, Blackthorne must negotiate not only a foreign people, with unknown customs and language, but also his own definitions of morality, truth, and freedom. As internal political strife and a clash of cultures lead to seemingly inevitable conflict, Blackthorne's loyalty and strength of character are tested by both passion and loss, and he is torn between two worlds that will each be forever changed.

Powerful and engrossing, capturing both the rich pageantry and stark realities of life in feudal Japan, Shogun is a critically acclaimed powerhouse of a book. Heart-stopping, edge-of-your-seat action melds seamlessly with intricate historical detail and raw human emotion. Endlessly compelling, this sweeping saga captivated the world to become not only one of the best-selling novels of all time but one of the highest-rated television miniseries, as well as inspiring a nationwide surge of interest in the culture of Japan. Shakespearean in both scope and depth, Shogun is, as the New York Times put it, ''not only something you readyou live it.''

Also available: Shogun: Part Two


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