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More Notes of a Dirty Old Man: The Uncollected Columns (2011)

di Charles Bukowski

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The sequel to his famous book, More Notes of a Dirty Old Man reprints rare Bukowski columns unseen in decades.
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This is the second collection of Bukowski’s columns that appeared in the Los Angeles Free Press, High Times and other publications from the late 1960s to early 1980s. The columns are diverse, ranging from fiction to essays, and cover his favorite topics – sex, women, love (it’s good for other people), drinking, gambling, writing and the general pain of living in the world. Each column is entertaining and most have something to say.

Bukowski rails against – among other things - the tedium of mindless work, the relentless commercialization of society and how man is “slugged with ready-made commercial contrivances until he becomes another faceless and unfeeling creature.” He decries how people are isolated from one another, but also claims to not like other people all that much. “The best people are the ones you never meet.”

Some other notable quotes:
“There are so many stupid things to do that there isn’t any time left to do anything that isn’t stupid.”
“It’s best to screw in the dark if you can’t go grade A.” ( )
  Hagelstein | Sep 27, 2014 |
Bukowski's loyal fans will relish the opportunity to peruse these writings in book form. However, readers new to Bukowski might be better directed to his major autobiographical novels, such as Post Office, Women, or Ham on Rye.
aggiunto da Christa_Josh | modificaLibrary Journal, William Gargan (Oct 1, 2011)
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God knows I am not too hippy. Perhaps because I am too much around the hip and I fear fads for, like andybody else, I like something that tends to last.
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The sequel to his famous book, More Notes of a Dirty Old Man reprints rare Bukowski columns unseen in decades.

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