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Raw Food Salad Bar: Simple Soups And Salads…
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Raw Food Salad Bar: Simple Soups And Salads (edizione 2010)

di Philip McCluskey, Gena Hamshaw (A cura di), Jenny Nelson (Fotografo), Jeff Skeirik (Fotografo), Nicole Byrkit (Designer)

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In Raw Food Fast Food, chef and motivational speaker Philip McCluskey showed readers that raw food goes far beyond salads. With creativity, passion, and an eye on time and convenience, he presented hearty, pleasing raw meals that would satisfy even the hungriest omnivore. Now, he's back to show you what can be done with salads: and there is so much of it to show (52 salad recipes)! In Raw Food Salad Bar, Philip presents dozens of delicious, simple, and ingenious salad recipes. Armed with knowledge about buying, storing, and preparing fresh, seasonal produce, he walks the reader through the art of salad-crafting, from selecting greens to pairing flavors. Along with these sumptuous salads, Philip explores the other staple of a raw diet: soups. Here are 27 soups that defy expectation. Ranging from simple broths to hearty stews-stews that can easily pass for the stews of childhood memory-these are alternately soothing and sensational. The best part? These soups and salads, like all of Philip's recipes, take mere minutes to prepare. So get out your chopping block, blender, and chef's knife, and dive into the wonderful world of the Raw Food Salad Bar!… (altro)
Titolo:Raw Food Salad Bar: Simple Soups And Salads
Autori:Philip McCluskey
Altri autori:Gena Hamshaw (A cura di), Jenny Nelson (Fotografo), Jeff Skeirik (Fotografo), Nicole Byrkit (Designer)
Info:CreateSpace (2010), Paperback, 124 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Raw Food Salad Bar: Simple Soups And Salads di Philip McCluskey

Aggiunto di recente dafeatherwoodmama

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In Raw Food Fast Food, chef and motivational speaker Philip McCluskey showed readers that raw food goes far beyond salads. With creativity, passion, and an eye on time and convenience, he presented hearty, pleasing raw meals that would satisfy even the hungriest omnivore. Now, he's back to show you what can be done with salads: and there is so much of it to show (52 salad recipes)! In Raw Food Salad Bar, Philip presents dozens of delicious, simple, and ingenious salad recipes. Armed with knowledge about buying, storing, and preparing fresh, seasonal produce, he walks the reader through the art of salad-crafting, from selecting greens to pairing flavors. Along with these sumptuous salads, Philip explores the other staple of a raw diet: soups. Here are 27 soups that defy expectation. Ranging from simple broths to hearty stews-stews that can easily pass for the stews of childhood memory-these are alternately soothing and sensational. The best part? These soups and salads, like all of Philip's recipes, take mere minutes to prepare. So get out your chopping block, blender, and chef's knife, and dive into the wonderful world of the Raw Food Salad Bar!

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