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Family Wicca Book: The Craft for Parents & Children (1993)

di Ashleen O'Gaea

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1061265,625 (3.5)2
Chances are good that you are either part of a family or hope to be part of a family some day. And if you're a Wiccan, you realize how challenging it can be to raise a Wiccan family in a non-Pagan world. Now you can learn strategies to deal with these challenges in The Family Wicca Book by Ashleen O'Gaea. Ashleen has been married for almost twenty years and has a son who is twelve. She speaks from experience, not just theory. As an award-winning Pagan journalist, she presents her insights and experiences in a way that is fun and interesting. All families have good times and difficult times. This book covers both, and presents rituals and rites your family can do together. It includes simple rituals and magic so even young children can see the results for themselves. It gives samples of festivals from the Wiccan "Wheel of the Year" in formats that children can participate in and enjoy. Perhaps the greatest gift of this book is in the way it will show you how to deal with difficult situations. First, it offers advice on answering the difficult questions that children ask, and doing so from a Wiccan point of view. When a child asks "Why am I alive?" or "Why do bad things happen to people?" you will have answers that are profound yet make sense to kids. The outside world may also present child-raising challenges. How do you answer your children's friends' questions about your religion? What do you tell your child when he or she asks why some people think you're Satanists? And how do you influence your children to follow a life-affirming, harmonious, Wiccan path when the entire world seems to be focused on different things, from school to TV? The answers of one Wiccan mother are in this book. You can use her knowledge and experience to inform your answers.… (altro)
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Not a "guide to" so much as "how we do it" with the usual bad hsitory and psychology (andone who objects to Wicca is really AFRAID of it) presented as fact. ( )
  Louise_Waugh | Feb 15, 2006 |
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Chances are good that you are either part of a family or hope to be part of a family some day. And if you're a Wiccan, you realize how challenging it can be to raise a Wiccan family in a non-Pagan world. Now you can learn strategies to deal with these challenges in The Family Wicca Book by Ashleen O'Gaea. Ashleen has been married for almost twenty years and has a son who is twelve. She speaks from experience, not just theory. As an award-winning Pagan journalist, she presents her insights and experiences in a way that is fun and interesting. All families have good times and difficult times. This book covers both, and presents rituals and rites your family can do together. It includes simple rituals and magic so even young children can see the results for themselves. It gives samples of festivals from the Wiccan "Wheel of the Year" in formats that children can participate in and enjoy. Perhaps the greatest gift of this book is in the way it will show you how to deal with difficult situations. First, it offers advice on answering the difficult questions that children ask, and doing so from a Wiccan point of view. When a child asks "Why am I alive?" or "Why do bad things happen to people?" you will have answers that are profound yet make sense to kids. The outside world may also present child-raising challenges. How do you answer your children's friends' questions about your religion? What do you tell your child when he or she asks why some people think you're Satanists? And how do you influence your children to follow a life-affirming, harmonious, Wiccan path when the entire world seems to be focused on different things, from school to TV? The answers of one Wiccan mother are in this book. You can use her knowledge and experience to inform your answers.

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