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Temperature: Dead Rising

di Adam Santo

Altri autori: CreateSpace (Immagine di copertina)

Serie: Temperature Trilogy (1)

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The powers that be have chosen Sally to become undead and she "s the only other person time eternal who "s been given the power to raise the dead ”and control them. When leaders of rival undead clans find out, they either want to control or destroy her, which makes Sally staying undead a bit of a challenge.… (altro)
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My full Temperature: Dead and Rising audiobook review can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

Sally wakes up naked in an unfamiliar place with no memories of how or when she got there. She is in the city morgue with a male stranger standing over her. Only to find that all of her friends that were in the car while touring Pike's Peak in Colorado were all killed. She was brought back to life through black magic and a centuries old undead sorcerer. Even though Sally is "alive" once more, actually she is now undead. She is now, for lack of a better term, invincible. Even though her body still thinks she is alive, therefore craving for food, drink and even sex. Now they are both on the run from the Church, not sure if this means the Christians or just a fanatic organization of undead hunters.

This was an interesting black magic undead adventure that was interesting. I feel like the story was told really fast with little description drawing me in. I think it was the narration that prevented me from connecting to anything in the story. Allowing my attention to be swayed.

Full of paranormal creatures, sex, violence, mystery and intrigue. Santo truly has a vivid imagination and I think that he will continue to evolve as the series does. For that reason I will not shy away from more of his work.

Audiobook provided for review by the author. ( )
  audiobibliophile | Jun 18, 2014 |
I was honored to receive a copy of the ebook for free, in exchange for an unbiased, honest review.

Fasten your seatbelt and get ready to meet zombies like you've never met before. Mr. Santo has a whole new vision for the genre, and it is as unusual as the story is entertaining. Full of fascinating characters that follow a well developed story arc, you can't really go wrong with this book. Just get comfortable before you crack the spine, because you won't be going anywhere until you've finished this from cover to cover.

Sally Mertill wakes to find herself in a morgue of all places, only to find herself looking up into the face of a total stranger. Completely confused, Sally asks what is going on and who he is. Explaining that his name is Bocnic, but everyone just calls him Bo, he tells her he is there to help her & will explain everything, but first they must leave before anyone sees them. In a state of semi-shock, Sally goes with him, making it to a car he had parked just outside the side door to the basement of the hospital.

As they are driving away from the morgue Bo tries to explain to Sally that she is now one of the undead. Not like comics or horror movies, but undead nonetheless. He asks her the last thing she can remember, which was friends visiting her in Denver. She took them on a tour of the area including hiking, then everything goes all foggy and she can't recall a thing. She panics and begins to think this guy is a whack job, and she was nuts for trusting him, so she does the only thing she can think of and jumps out of the moving car. It was moving fast enough that her tuck and roll didn't work too well, as she bounced upon impact, causing her to untuck. By the time she stopped moving she was wrapped around a street-post, and only able to move her head.

Bo immediately backs up to hide her from oncoming traffic while he goes over to her and explains that be all rights she should be dead. In fact, had she been living she would be dead now. But now that she's undead essentially nothing can kill her. The whole time Bo is putting her back together, breaking and resetting bones, popping joints back together and finally fixing her spine he tells her more about her 'new' life. How it will take her body a while to fully die before the magic that sustains her truly settles in, which means she will still need to eat, use the restroom, and will still feel pain. Once finished it takes Sally about 30 minutes before she manages to get up again & stagger to the car, surprising Bo by just how fast she recovers.

They hole up in a hotel room for a day so Bo can explain the undead 'life' to Sally. He ends up staying longer than planned as he discovers that she is one of the undead effected by the sunset, what the undead call the "sun-downing crazies" - and in Sally's case lust is her "crazy." Eventually Bo leaves her, giving her a pile of cash to get herself started again.

Before heading out to buy necessities Sally turns on the TV to find her picture is plastered everywhere. There is a story of her accident and how she just walked out of the morgue, that clearly a mistake had been made and she must have wandered away in confusion. Everyone was looking for her. Sally hacks off her hair with the blades from her razor and to help change her appearance, then ventures out for supplies, including hair dye.

Meanwhile Bo sees the story and rushes back to the hotel room. He plans to take Sally to an undead camp outside of Aspen, when members of The Church try to catch them. The Church is an evil organization that has been around for ages, dedicating themselves to ridding the world of the undead. For some reason they have a really intense desire for Sally. They manage to elude The Church agents, and Sally goes to the camp to begin her training with the shaman, Larry.

It is at that point that things go from wild to crazy, as the threats to Sally, and by extension Bo, multiply drastically. What has happened to brings all of this down on Sally? Will they both survive? A serious cliffhanger ending, but since I'm lucky enough to have the second book in the series I'm not too upset about it. ( )
  Isisunit | Aug 13, 2013 |
Book Title: "Temperature, Dead and Rising"
Author: Adam Santo
Published By: Self Published
Age Recommended: 15 +
Reviewed By: Kitty Bullard
Raven Rating: 3

Review: Even though this book had some interesting concepts to it, I couldn't quite understand the idea behind it. It seemed to almost be half vampire, half zombie and I was always unsure about the main character, Sally. For some reason I felt she was taking the whole situation too easily and as for Bo leaving her so soon it was a little strange. She is supposedly going to be hunted by these other undead clans because of her power but he basically leaves her to fend for herself.

The story had some good elements and the plot was interesting but I feel that it could have been written a little differently and perhaps a few things changed to make it stand out more. I could never figure out exactly what Sally was suppose to be, whether zombie of vampire and the concept of the undead was something I just couldn't grasp. I suppose I felt like there could or should have been more of a back story to clear things up a bit.

Still it was worth the read and I do give it 3 Ravens. I would recommend anyone that may be interested in something a little different to give it a try!

Read more: ( )
  RavenswoodPublishing | Jan 5, 2012 |
I received this book from the GoodReads First Reads program and I am glad I did. This book is about a girl who becomes undead. She is helped by another undead Bocnic and they are on the run from a group, known as the Church, that wants to eliminate the undead. Throughout the book Santo introduces many paranormal characters including vampires and a yeti. Santo has a great writing style and I have to admit I finished this book quite quickly. That could have something to do with the fact that the book is quite short though. I know that the book is left open for a sequel but I felt that the author could have made this novel a bit longer. It seemed that just as I was getting into the book and then it was over. Not only was it over but it was over with a cliffhanger. I liked the character of Sally (the undead); she was self assured and strong. There is a scene where she jumps out of a moving vehicle (just after she finds out how she originally died). In this scene Sally just seems kick ass. She thinks that Bocnic is trying to hurt her so she throws herself out of the car. She is anything but meek although this could have been to her detriment but I found it to be a positive attribute. It shows us that from the get-go she is willing to fight for what she believes in. While this novel is, I suppose, considered to have paranormal elements to it, I don't feel that it is forced or in your face. Some novels in this genre go a bit too far and end up losing their characters for the sake of fantasy worlds. This is not the case for this novel. There are paranormal elements but Santo is able to keep the authenticity of this characters in the midst of this. Overall, I quite enjoyed this novel but I wish it would have been longer. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars. ( )
1 vota meags222 | Feb 14, 2011 |
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The powers that be have chosen Sally to become undead and she "s the only other person time eternal who "s been given the power to raise the dead ”and control them. When leaders of rival undead clans find out, they either want to control or destroy her, which makes Sally staying undead a bit of a challenge.

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